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所谓超期羁押,是指有关司法机关超出法定的期限,对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身作出限制的一种违法现象。目前,由于我国刑事羁押制度不健全,个别司法人员法律意识淡薄,超期羁押现象时有发生。超期羁押产生的原因一是对退回补充侦查决定的法律文书及正常需要延期的案件文书未能及时送达到看守所及驻所检察室,所以既无法及时计算具体办案部门法定期限,也无法了解和掌握案件到了哪个环节的期限。这就造成了对具体办案部门法定期限无法掌握,无法及时催促受案单位按时结案,从而导致对办案部门的法定期限监督不力。二是政法机关各业务部门在实际工作中,对于一些重大、复杂的疑难案件,迟迟不能定案,久拖不决,甚至相互推诿退查,有的案件在公、检、法三家相互退查几年之久而未能结案。 The so-called extended detention refers to the relevant judicial organs beyond the statutory deadline for criminal suspects, the accused person to make restrictions on the body of an illegal phenomenon. At present, due to the imperfect criminal detention system in our country and the weak legal awareness of individual judicial personnel, the phenomena of prolonged detention have occurred from time to time. One of the reasons for the prolonged custody is that the legal documents returned for supplementary investigation and the case documents that need to be postponed can not be delivered to the detention center and the resident procuratorate in time. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the legal deadlines of the specific case handling departments in time and to understand and grasp the legal documents The deadline for the case arrived. This has resulted in the legal deadlines for the specific case handling departments can not be mastered, unable to promptly promptly accepted units to be completed on time, leading to ineffective supervision of the statutory time limit of the case handling department. Second, in actual work, the various business departments of the political and legal organs have retreated from delays in settling cases and long delays in retaliation for some major and complex difficult cases. Some cases have also been retried from each other by public inspection, prosecution and judicial review. A few years failed to close the case.
上海市司法局: 你局沪司发[2000]145号《关于上海市新文汇律师事务所购买上海银行法人股有关问题的请示》收悉。经研究,批 Shanghai Bureau of Justice: You Bureau Shangh
由于对沙眼病人及时的調查及治疗,由沙眼而致盲者已經减少到稀少而个别的情况了。 用羊腸线栘植在球結膜下来治疗沙眼性血管(?)的方法已經早巳被知道了。氏在他的“砂眼性血
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2007年1月16日,广东省水利学会组织有关单位技术人员观摩学习阳江核电水库沥青混凝土心墙坝新技术。阳江核电水库工程位于响水河中游,距阳 January 16, 2007, Guangdong Pro