Brief Analysis of the Strategies and Techniques in Publicity Translation--A Case Study : The Governa

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  Abstract:As an important means to promote understanding and exchanges between countries, external publicity plays a significant role in enhancing the country’s cultural soft power. This paper profoundly analyzes the translation characteristics from discourse level, summarizes the significance of its translation and then introduces the strategies and techniques.
  Key words:Publicity Translation; The Governance of China; Translation Strategies
  Beijing School of Foreign Languages  China University of Geosciences  Beijing  100083  China
  Political essays present the current events from political views, national affairs are the events what government should pay more attention to. The events must be various with some political tendency.
  Ⅰ. Overview of Publicity Translation
  Publicity translation is about translating political texts into other language texts, it is convenient for foreign countries to understand China’s political situation and economical system and it is very important to foreign communication.
  1.1 Definition
  The so-called publicity translation is the way to introduce the China’s social culture and social system to foreigners. It helps foreigners to understand the Chinese current situation and also draw on our country’s policies.
  1.2 Characteristics
  Publicity translation has the common characteristics with general translation, but it has its own unique characteristics.
  1.2.1 At the Discourse Level
  Publicity translation focuses on flexibility, scientificity, correctness, and rigorousness. When engaging in publicity translation, translators must pay attention to facts and logic, require correct content, accurate and precise data, and concise and clear text, and the reader’s culture must be considered.
  Example 1:
  EV: Marxism will not remain stagnant. It will certainly keep up with the times, the progress of our practice and the advance of science. Socialism too always advances through practice.
  It can be found that the word “will” is used in the sentences twice, China’s determination should be showed to other countries. These words are not only expressed the writers’ willing, but also made the sentence in simple without redundant words.
  Ⅱ. Strategies and Techniques Applied in Publicity Translation—A Case Study of The Governance of China   2.1 Literal Translation
  Literal translation is the most frequently used translation technique. In Barkhudarov’s view, a literal translation can be defined that the translation is “Sufficient to convey the content unchanged while observing target language norms”( Barkhudarov 45). Literal translation maintains the original content and the form of the original text.
  2.2 Free Translation
  Free translation is the most widely used translation technique and it tries to reproduce the general meaning of the original text without strictly following the form or organization of the original text. In the translation of expressions with Chinese characteristics, this method is often used since these texts may be written in a Chinese style which is elusive for foreign readers. Therefore, the translators should adopt free translation to rearrange the language to make it acceptable to target readers.
  2.3 Techniques Applied in Its Translation
  Translation is the process of expressing one word through the two processes of “understanding” and “expressing”. In the process of expression, certain strategies and techniques are needed.
  2.3.1 Omission
  Omission means that some words or expressions may be omitted in translation in order to make the translation brief, concise, and clear. Generally speaking, omission in translation is used to achieve the effect of succinctness, especially in the cases of Chinese four-word or parallel structures.
  2.3.2 Conversion
  Conversion refers to the translation of the word classes, sentence patterns and voices in the original sentence in order to make the translation conform to the target language expression method, method and habit. As a translation technique commonly used in English-Chinese translation, the conversion method can make the translation natural, smooth and accurate, conveying both the original intention and the expression habit of Chinese.
  Ⅲ. Significance of the Translation of The Governance of China
  Publicity translation is a concrete manifestation of the country’s level of foreign exchange and the construction of humanistic environment. The translation strategies and techniques which were used in the English version of  The Governance of China provides a great help to the quality of Chinese translation abroad.
  3.1 In Shaping National Image
  The so-called national image is the overall impression that other countries admit the country in a strong body, including, international behavior, international activities and successes of a country in external communication or international communication. It embodies the values and aesthetics of the public.
  This article focuses on the translation strategies and techniques of the English version of The Governance of China. And it mainly discusses the governance of the country and makes foreigners have a good knowledge of China’s culture through improving the quality of publicity translation.
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