Designing soft/hard double network hydrogel microsphere/ UHMWPE composites to promote water lubricat

来源 :摩擦(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sniperxp
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Several soft tissues residing in the living body have excellent hydration lubrication properties and can provide effective protection during relative motion. In order to apply this advantage of soft matters in practical applications and try to avoid its disadvantage, such as swelling and weakening in water, a design strategy of a soft/hard double network (DN) hydrogel microsphere modified ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) composite is proposed in this study. A series of microspheres of urea-formaldehyde (UF), polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogel, UF/PAAm double network, and their composites were prepared. The mechanical properties, swelling, wettability, friction properties, and the lubrication mechanisms of the composites were investigated. The results show that DN microspheres can have an excellent stability and provide hydration lubrication. The performance of 75 DN-1 composite was superior to others. This finding will provide a novel strategy for the development of water-lubricated materials and have wide application in engineering fields.
新课程标准要求,学生才是课堂的主体,教师只是辅助者或者帮助者。“四步自主”教学法,对教学起到了非常重要的作用。 The new curriculum standards require that students
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