High technology imaging in digestive endoscopy

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dafeidafeifeida
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A thorough endoscopic visualization of the digestive mucosa is essential for reaching an accurate diagnosis and to treat the different lesions. Standard white light endoscopes permit a good mucosa examination but, nowadays, the introduction of powerful endoscopic instrumentations increased ability to analyze the fi nest details. By applying dyes and zoom-magnifi cation endoscopy further architectural detail of the mucosa can be elucidated. New computed virtual chromoendoscopy have further enhanced optical capabilities for the evaluation of submucosal vascolar pattern. Recently, confocal endomicroscopy and endocytoscopy were proposed for the study of ultrastructural mucosa details. Because of the technological contents of powerful instrumentation, a good knowledge of implemented technologies is mandatory for the endoscopist, nowadays. Nevertheless, there is a big confusion about this topic. We will try to explain these technologies and to clarify this terminology. A thorough endoscopic visualization of the digestive mucosa is essential for reaching an accurate diagnosis and to treat the different lesions. Standard white light endoscopes permit a good mucosa examination but, nowadays, the introduction of powerful endoscopic instrument assign increased ability to analyze the fi nest details. By applying dyes and zoom-magnifi cation endoscopy further architectural detail of the mucosa can be elucidated. New computed virtual chromoendoscopy have further enhanced optical capabilities for the evaluation of submucosal vascolar pattern. Recently, confocal endomicroscopy and endocytoscopy were proposed for the study of ultrastructural mucosa details. Because of the technological contents of power instrumentation, a good knowledge of implemented technologies is mandatory for the endoscopist, nowadays. Nevertheless, there is a big confusion about this topic. We will try to explain these technologies and to clarify this terminology.
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