我院1989年3月~1990年4月,以静滴小剂量异丙肾上腺素治疗呼吸系统疾病所致小儿喘憋症状86例,除2例无效外,其他病例均得到满意效果。现介绍一下用药中的有关问题: 1.静滴异丙肾上腺素疗效迅速,用药后9小时~48小时喘憋症状迅速减轻或消失,每日只能静滴1次。2.必须严格控制输液滴数及用量,以每公斤体重每分钟滴入0.1μg的速度较安全,也可在严格观察下逐渐增加滴数。3.心衰患儿在有效应用强心甙药物的
Our hospital from March 1989 to April 1990, intravenous drip low-dose isoproterenol treatment of respiratory diseases caused by asthmatic symptoms in children, 86 cases, with the exception of two cases were invalid, the other cases were satisfactory results. Now introduce the relevant issues in the medication: 1. Efficacy of intravenous isoproterenol quickly, 9 hours after treatment ~ 48 hours wheezing symptoms quickly reduced or disappeared, intravenous infusion only once. 2 must strictly control the infusion number and dosage to 0.1μg per kilogram of body weight per minute into the more secure, but also under strict observation gradually increase the number of drops. 3. Heart failure children in the effective application of cardiac glycosides drugs