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蒙大拿坦纳尔斯(Montana Tunnels)工程尾矿排弃设施第一阶段的施工已于1986年10月完成。该工程位于美国蒙大拿州海伦纳(Helena)南37km处,它包括按每天13500t的进度开采4200万t风化火山道矿石,以生产粗金和粗银以及铅精矿和锌精矿。该工程的尾矿排弃设施包括用于堆存尾矿固体颗粒的全排水式尾矿坝和贮存所有供选厂循环使用的澄清水的生产用水池。整个设施的设计是要达到下述基本目标,即,无论是短期还是长期,都能尽量减少渗漏到周围环境中去的渗漏水;并且能获得充分排水的稳定的尾矿堆,以便采矿一经结束,便可立即复垦。这个设计的特点包括尾矿“池”内设一个土壤膨润土密封层和排水系统;一个设计流量为每分钟4000美加仑(1美加仑=3.785L)最终高度为230英尺(70m)的自由排水堤坝;以及贮蓄能力为420英亩·英尺(53万m~3)、有土壤膨润土覆盖层的补给水水池。尾矿是用多个排砂口输流排放的,以获得薄层低能的层流。这种滩面沉积能导致较高的贮存密度和尾矿滩上最大限度的液-固分离。这整个的设计对该工程的获得许可起着主要的作用,并且它使其费用远远低于通常的湿式处理系统,尾矿排弃的总单位成本不到0.36美元/t。本文概述了场区特点、尾矿的材料性质及其对设计的影响。在尾矿池、坝体及贮水池内,广泛利用了天然存在的自由排水材料以及用膨润土改进了的土壤覆盖层。本文还概述了各部分总的施工步骤以及目前利用来自露天采场的材料的施工要求。最后,提供了尾矿排弃的综合成本与单位成本。 The first phase of the tailings disposal at the Montana Tunnels project in Montana was completed in October 1986. Located 37km south of Helena, Montana, USA, the project involves the mining of 42 million t of weathered volcanic tract ore at a rate of 13,500t per day to produce coarse and coarse silver and lead concentrates and zinc concentrates. The tailings disposal facilities of the project include a fully-drained tailing dam for storing tailings solid particles and a production pond for storing clear water for recycling by all the selected factories. The entire facility is designed to achieve the basic goal of minimizing seepage water seeping into the immediate environment, both short-term and long-term; and to obtain a well-drained stable tailings pile for mining Once completed, they can be reclaimed immediately. The design features a soil bentonite seal and drainage system in the tailings pond, a free-draining dyke with a design flow of 4000 US gallons per minute (1 US gal = 3.785 L) and a final height of 230 feet (70 m) ; And a reservoir of recharge water with a bentonite cover of 420 acre feet (53 million m 3). Tailings are drained with multiple discharge ports to obtain laminar, low-energy laminar flow. This beach surface deposition can result in higher storage densities and maximum liquid-solid separation on tailings. This entire design plays a major role in permitting the project and makes it far less expensive than typical wet processing systems, with a total unit cost of tailings disposal of less than $ 0.36 / t. This article outlines the characteristics of the field, the material properties of the tailings and their impact on the design. In tailings ponds, dams and reservoirs, naturally occurring free-draining materials and soil coverings modified with bentonite are widely used. This article also outlines the overall construction steps for each section and the current construction requirements for utilizing materials from open stopes. Finally, the tailings disposal costs and unit costs are provided.
垂体特异转录因子PIT-1(Pituitary-specific Transcription Factor)是家禽垂体前叶特异表达的一种具有重要功能的转录因子,它与PRL基因、GH基因、TSHβ基因以及自身的启动子