The Real Courage 真正的勇气

来源 :中学生英语·阅读与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chair_mao
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  A man was really worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk to train his child.
  The Buddhist monk said to the boy’s father,“You should leave your son alone here. I will make him into a real man within three months. However, you can’t come to see him during this period.”
  Three months later, the boy’s father returned. The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the child and an experienced boxer.
  Each time the fighter struck the boy, he fell down, but at once the boy stood up. And each time a punch knocked him down again, then the boy stood up again. Several times later, the Buddhist monk asked, “What do you think of your child?”
  “What a shame!” the boy’s father said, “I never thought he would be so easily knocked down. I needn’t have him left here any longer.”
  “I’m sorry that this is all you see. Don’t you see that each time he falls down, he stands up again instead of crying? That’s the kind of courage you want him to have.”
  If each time you are knocked down you still have the courage to stand up again, that is the real courage.
① a grape 一粒葡萄  ② a jar of of water 一碗水  ③ a cup of syrup 一小杯糖浆  ④ a bottle of cooking oil 一瓶食用油  ⑤ a plastic block一块塑料积木  ⑥ a cork 一块软木  ⑦ a tall transparent container 透明的高容器
Hans Christian Andersen was the most famous writer in Denmark. His stories have attracted many young readers around the world and many of his works are still popular today.  汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生是丹麦最著名的作家,他的童话
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Hello, everyone. I’m glad to tell you something about our neighborhood. It is quiet and the air is fresh. There is a garden in the center of the neighborhood. All our neighbors are friendly. Some of t
导演(Director):约翰·李·汉考克(John Lee Hancock)  主演(Starring):迈克尔·基顿(Michael Keaton)  琳达·卡德里尼(Linda Cardellini)  尼克·奥弗曼(Nick Offerman)  帕特里克·威尔森(Patrick Wilson)  类型(Type):传记(Biography)/剧情(Drama)/历史(History)  
The war broke out. Followed the heart, the young husband joined the army and sacrificed1 his life, leaving behind his wife and kids.  战争爆发了,年轻的丈夫听从自己的心意去参军,他牺牲了,留下妻子和几个孩子。  Postwar life was very hard,
初学英语的人,常用expense来表示一切“费用”。其实expense主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,例current expenses “日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用”,traveling expenses“旅行费用”等等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”有各种不同的表达法:  一、 admission n. 入场费。例:  admission by ticket only 凭
英语教材改革后,对教师是一次新的挑战。单词量增加,内容超前,更注重学生能力的培养和听说读写的综合运用。作为教师,必须分析,钻研教材,对一些难点,掌握规律,巧编口诀,力争让学生在短时间内掌握得更准,更牢。  下面,我谈谈在英语中对几个难点的突破。  一、一般现在时动词(单复数时)的变化  对于初一学生来说,第一次接触“时态”。能理解好概念,本也不易,为了让更多的学生懂得变化规则,我编了以下口诀:  
Mike was an 11 years old boy. He was the only son to his parent. His father worked as a carpenter1 and his mother was a house wife. Although Mike’s family wasn’t a rich one, they had a happy life.  迈克
摘要:该文通过对Android操作系统和移动学习系统平台进行研究,分析了Android操作系统的平台优势,探讨如何基于Android操作系统对移动学习系统平台进行设计与实现,并在此基础上,总结几点设计与开发原则。  关键词:Android;移动学习平台;教学活动设计  中图分类号:F252.8 文献标识号:A  Design and Development Principles of Mobile