Teaching Methods of Phonogram in Vocational Schools

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  【Abstract】As we know, vocational students are generally poor in English. Many students will gradually lost interest and confidence in the learning process of learning English . The main reason is that they don't learn English phonogram very well. As a result, they will find it’s really hard to remember new words if they can’t master English phonogram. So I believe that phonogram is the key to learn English well。
  【Key words】Teaching method Importance of phonogram
  1.Master one kind of phonogram (American or British) pronunciation
  There are two kinds of phonogram (American or British) pronunciation , students can choose according to their own preferences or the need to select a learning. General speaking, American pronunciation is relatively clear, sound dragged long, linking more and more extreme; and the English accent seems relatively short, self-assured. In fact, if one can speak perfect English, whether American or British style does not matter.
  2.From the actual situation of teaching, phonogram teaching has the following benefits
  2.1.Phonogram teaching can help students cultivate interest in learning English. Master phonetic symbols, students can independent reading can enhance the interest and also to avoid common "dumb English", to improve the enthusiasm of students' learning. At the same time also can correct students' pronunciation and intonation.
  2.2.Phonogram teaching can help students to read and memory. The word is the basis for students to learn English, if there is no certain vocabulary, learning English is very difficult to continue. In English words learning to master the correct pronunciation is very helpful for memorizing words. If the pronunciation and spelling knowledge can soon bear in mind the words, through the rules of pronunciation, remember more words.
  3. Phonogram teaching should pay attention to several aspects
  3.1.Phonogram teaching plan
  Some teachers think phonetic learning is very simple, using only a week or two completion on the 48 phonetic, learning time is short, some students have to learn to remember the phonogram view of phonogram learning as well as easy to ignore. In order to lay a good foundation for the practice of employment, it is necessary to develop a long-term teaching plan.
  3.2. Phonogram teaching methods
  3.2.1. The use of "three-in-one" teaching method, pointing out the inner link of letters, phonemes. Three-in-one teaching method to name of letter and phoneme and phonogram integrated, centralized teaching. Pays special attention to the letters, the teaching of the 26 letters of the name of "sound" as the basis for the study of phonemes, the master of the phoneme as a prerequisite for learning the phonetic.   3.2.2. Strengthen the phoneme, leads to phonogram. We should pay attention to the name of the sound at first. I often see students read the words read aloud a letter names, such as "pen" is a word, read pen[pi:i:en], pen, not call [P], [e], [n]. [pen]. Because we place too much emphasis on the sound of the letter name, ignoring the letters in the word pronunciation, leading students to develop a sound with the letter instead of the pronunciation of the bad habits.
  4.Feedback of phonogram Teaching
  Phonogram teaching, timely feedback is very important. Students learn some phonogram, teachers should design corresponding practice in the classroom teaching. Teachers should pay more attention to the students' individual differences, at any time to correct the incorrect pronunciation, pronunciation training through the whole process of English learning, rather than learning the phonetic symbol period.
  [1]Gill,R.Mastering English Literature[M].London:Macmillan,1985:42
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