
来源 :黄金 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ctty1
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江西黄金资源丰富,全省有45个县(市、区)发现黄金资源。“七五”初期为了开发利用江西黄金资源,江西开始大力发展江西黄金工业,经过10年来的艰苦努力,江西黄金工业取得了较大的发展。为了加快江西地方经济的发展,根据江西黄金资源丰富的特点,江西省政府提出了将发展黄金工业作为主攻工业的重要方面、作为一个新的经济增长点来抓。为此,在这一新形势下如何更快更好地发展江西黄金工业,使之适应江西国民经济发展的需要,是江西黄金行业广大职工关心的问题。本文拟就通过对江西黄金工业发展现状和存在问题的分析,提出发展对策。 Jiangxi is rich in gold resources, with 45 counties (cities and districts) in the province discovering gold resources. In the early period of the “Seventh Five-year Plan”, in order to exploit and utilize the gold resources in Jiangxi, Jiangxi began to vigorously develop the gold industry in Jiangxi Province. After more than 10 years of hard work, the gold industry in Jiangxi Province has made great progress. In order to speed up the development of local economy in Jiangxi Province, according to the feature of abundant gold resources in Jiangxi Province, the Jiangxi Provincial Government proposed to take the development of the gold industry as an important aspect of its main industries as a new economic growth point. Therefore, under this new situation, how to develop Jiangxi’s gold industry faster and better so that it can meet the needs of the development of Jiangxi’s national economy is a concern for the vast number of workers in the gold industry in Jiangxi. In this paper, through the analysis of the current situation and existing problems of the gold industry in Jiangxi, this paper proposes the development countermeasures.
The tiller emergence in seedling nursery beds and field, and panicle formation in the field were investigated under scattered-planting with seedling dry-raised
目的 :观察低压低氧环境对胎鼠海马神经元NMDA受体数目和通道特性的影响。方法 :采用原位杂交和膜片钳观察NMDA受体的数量和功能。结果 :胎鼠低压低氧后 ,NMDA受体数量和通道