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苹果轮纹病和炭疽病是发生在苹果上的两种常见病害,越是接近果实成熟期病情越重,二者常常同时发生,且症状相近,极易混淆。可以从以下几个方面加以识别。发病期轮纹病一般比炭疽病发病时间稍晚一些,常在果实接近成熟期进人发病盛期,贮藏期病情亦较重,而炭疽病在近熟期和贮藏期虽然也有部分果实发病,但其发病盛期却是在果实生长后期(7—8月份)。轮纹组成患轮纹病和炭疽病的果实病斑表面都呈同心轮纹状,但二者的轮纹组成不同。轮纹病的病斑是由大小不同、深浅交替的褐色圆环组成,而炭疽病的 Apples rot and anthracnose are two common diseases that occur on apples. The closer they are to the fruit ripening stage, the more serious the disease is. Both of them often occur at the same time, and the symptoms are similar and can be easily confused. Can be identified from the following aspects. The incidence of ring rot disease is generally a little later than the onset of anthrax, and often enters the peak incidence of fruit ripening, storage conditions are also heavier, and anthracnose in the near maturity and storage period, although some fruit disease, However, its peak period is in the late fruit growth (July-August). The composition of the rodenticular and anthracnose diseased plaques is concentric, but the composition of the two is different. Circular mottle lesions are made of brown rings of different sizes and shades, while anthrax
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目的:通过测算呼气时间常数(τn E)监测无创正压通气(NPPV)时不同肺力学模型的呼气阻力(Rexp)。n 方法:使用ASL 5000机械模拟肺模拟体质量为65~70 kg的半卧位健康成年人、
张用生笔名灵子,1946年5月出生于成都市灯笼街。大学文化。曾当过工人,剧团演奏员、创作员、《沱江文艺》编辑、副主编,内江市文联秘书长、市政协委员。曾在多家文学 Zhang