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随着科学技术的迅猛发展以及国际交往的不断加强,人们对英语阅读的要求也越来越高,因此在我国的英语课堂教学中也越来越注重英语阅读教学。词汇作为英语阅读中的一个重要的部分,在英语阅读中起着至关重要的作用。然而,在目前我国的高中英语教学过程中,总是出现一种重结构轻词汇的局面,这种局面对英语词汇的识记以及快速提高英语阅读能力有着一定的制约作用。因此,集中识词,快速提高英语阅读能力就成为高中英语教学中的一块重要的部分了。文章就是从集中识词的重要性以及如何在高中英语中进行集中识词,快速提高英语阅读能力两方面进行研究和探索的,对提高高中英语阅读能力和学生的词汇能力有着积极的意义。 With the rapid development of science and technology as well as the continuous strengthening of international exchanges, people have become increasingly demanding in English reading. Therefore, English reading teaching in our country is also paid more and more attention. Vocabulary as an important part of English reading plays a crucial role in English reading. However, in the process of high school English teaching in our country, there is always a situation of re-construction of light vocabulary. This situation has a certain restriction on the recognition of English vocabularies and the rapid improvement of English reading ability. Therefore, concentrating on reading words and rapidly improving English reading ability has become an important part of high school English teaching. The article is from the focus on the importance of words and how to focus on reading in high school English, rapid improvement in English reading ability both to research and exploration, to improve high school English reading ability and vocabulary ability of students has a positive meaning.
当今的城市广场设计越来越远离我所期望,投资不少结果物无所值.在《城市广场的梦想(Dreaming of urbenplazas)》一书中,罗伯特.詹森(Robert.Jensen)指出:我对自己创造的城市
BAUMA 2007——第28届国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆与设备博览会于4月23日至29日在德国慕尼黑展览中心隆重召开。为了满足越来越巨大的展会实际增长需要,BAUM
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