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“以人为本”的教育模式已然成为教育模式中的主流,教学活动中,学生的感受被放大,学生的学习需要越来越得到关注,教学也不再局限于知识与技能的传授上,而是更多地为学生的情感态度与价值观的发展而服务。初中数学教学对学生的学习能力与思维模式具有重大的影响,数学课程的学习相对来说更抽象,更具逻辑性,对学生理解与思辨能力要求更高。在这样的情况下,主题式教学就显得尤为重要,教师要在教学中利用主题式教学帮助学生建立系统的知识 “People-oriented ” education mode has become the mainstream of education mode, teaching activities, students ’feelings are magnified, students’ learning needs more and more attention, teaching is no longer limited to imparting knowledge and skills, and Is more for the student’s emotional attitude and values ​​of service development. Junior high school mathematics teaching has a significant impact on students’ learning abilities and thinking modes. Mathematics learning is relatively abstract and logical, which requires students to understand and think more. In such circumstances, thematic teaching is particularly important, teachers should use thematic teaching in teaching to help students build a systematic knowledge
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