西部旱作农业的有效新技术 --留茬少耕或免耕秸杆全程覆盖

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The paper discusses about the problems and reasons in the agriculture of western China.According to our analysis,it is difficult to overcome limitations from traditional cultivation measures in the western agriculture development.In combination with the local condition of Yan Chuan County,it is the oblingatory selection of western agriculture to implement the cultivation technique of low or non tillage with stubble and whole course straw covering.It is stratigic pint of the technique agriculture in the development of Wester China.It is effective to bring out the latent capacity of dryland farming. The paper asked about the problems and reasons in the agriculture of western China. According to our analysis, it is difficult to overcome limitations from traditional cultivation measures in the western agriculture development. Combination with the local condition of Yan Chuan County, it is the oblingatory selection of western agriculture to implement the cultivation technique of low or non tillage with stubble and whole course straw covering. It is stratigic pint of the technique agriculture in the development of Wester China. It is effective to bring out the latent capacity of dryland farming .
摘 要:本文强调了以教材为中心进行英语写作训练的重要性,并就课文改写、缩写、评写等方法进行了探讨,目的摸索出一条适合高中学生的英语写作教学新模式。  关键词:英语教材;改写;缩写;评写;写作教学  高中要求学生从简单的语言输出上升到用语言做具体的事情、表达自己的思想。近年来的高考作文也很注重考查学生的语言综合运用能力。笔者以为,实现这一目标要特别注重在教学过程中提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。
尾亚椭圆形复式岩株位于兰新铁路尾亚车站一带,距哈密市约140 km。在构造上位于卡瓦布拉克微地块中部几个大构造线交切处的构造软弱部位。它是由尾亚超单元和环形山超单元组成的典