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抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区军民掀起了轰轰烈烈的大生产运动。在生产运动中,边区各行各业涌现出一大批吃苦耐劳、努力生产、团结群众积极开展生产活动的劳动英雄和模范工作者(简称“劳模”)。为发挥劳模的示范和启迪作用,引导、发动更多群众投身生产,中国共产党积极开展宣传工作,创造性地运用多种方法形式,大力宣传推广劳模及其事迹,大大提高了边区广大群众开展生产、战胜困难的信心。一、借助报纸开展典型报道宣传 During the period of the War of Resistance against Japan, the military and civilians in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region set off a vigorous mass production campaign. In the production campaign, a large number of labor heroes and model workers (“labor model”) who worked hard and worked hard to unite the masses and actively carried out production activities emerged in all walks of life in the border area. In order to give play to the demonstration and enlightenment role of model workers, guide and mobilize more masses to join in production, the Communist Party of China actively carried out publicity work, creatively used various methods and forms, advocated the promotion of model workers and their deeds, and greatly enhanced the production, Overcome difficult confidence. First, with the newspaper to carry out a typical publicity
本单元重点学习现在完成时,这是一个不容易掌握的时态,常和一般过去时相混淆,然而它又是一个非常重要的时态。 When the focus of this unit is now completed, it is a di
(毕业卷) 一、选择题(30分) 1.根据拼音选出相应的词语,将其序号填到括号里。(3分) ①jueshuo( )A.解说 B.矍铄 C.角色 D.结束 ②jingcha( )A.警察 B.惊诧 C.敬茶 D.经常 (
一、导语设计 名画有“一叶知秋”的惊人之作,好的“序”、“跋”也能“从一斑以见全豹”。读本“序”,对陌生的作者的有关情况,特别是异域怀乡的感情和《还乡梦》诗集的成
读雨桐的《致爸爸》,忍不住鼻子发酸,泪花盈眶。这样一篇看似平淡无奇的文字,为什么会有如此强烈的表达效果呢? 其根本的原因是一个“真”字。 一是人物之“真”。爸爸是一
有一道中考题是这样的: 下列句子中加点的虚词解释正确的项是 A.小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。(虽:虽然) B.先帝不以臣卑鄙。(以:凭) C.安陵君其许寡人。(其:语气助词,表示期
1. Find out the different word in pronuncia-tion in each group( ) 1. A. rush B. mutton C. hurry D. minute( ) 2. A. cow B. own C. narrow D. follow 1. Find out
一、选择题(请把正确选项的序号填写在每小题后的括号里,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,本大题共18分,其中1~12小题每题1分,13~15小题每题2分) 1.一种元素与另一种元素的根本不