
来源 :艺术学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaji2009
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凌环如老师是南京艺术学院的前辈艺术家,也是我国著名油画家苏天赐的夫人。她于1926年生于湖南平江,1949年毕业于杭州国立艺专(现中国美术学院),毕业后曾在上海市委文艺处美术室工作。1950年5月与苏天赐结为伉俪,次年随同苏天赐一起调至青岛山东大学任教,后又随山大艺术系南下,任教于华东艺专、南京艺术学院美术系和工艺美术系,从事基础课和雕塑及工艺雕刻专业的专业课教学。代表雕塑作品有:《战地护士》、《扫 Ling Huanru teacher is a senior artist of Nanjing Arts Institute, and is also the wife of our famous oil painter Su Tianci. She was born in Pingjiang, Hunan in 1926 and graduated from Hangzhou National Art College (now China Academy of Art) in 1949. After graduation, she worked in Art Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee of Literature and Art Department. In May 1950 and Su Tianci became husband and wife, the next year with the Soviet Union to the Shandong University of Qingdao to teach, and then with the Yamada Art Department south, taught in East China Arts, Nanjing Arts Institute of Fine Arts and Arts and Crafts Department, engaged in basic courses And sculpture and craft carving professional professional teaching. Representative sculpture works are: “field nurse”, "sweep
【摘要】重叠在世界语言中都是比较常见的一种语言现象。在韩国语中,重叠现象也是存在于音韵、形态、句法各个方面。韩国语的动词、形容词、名词等词类,将具有相同或相似音的形态素结合在一起构成这种重叠词。韩国学者对于重叠现象的研究由来已久,但大多数都是着眼于音韵这一角度进行研究。本文就以韩国语形容词为中心,从形态、句法、语义等角度对韩国语形容词的特点进行探究。  【关键词】形容词 重叠 形态 句法 语义  
The southeast coastal Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong provinces and Taiwan in China comprised an important area in ancient Asia where the Yenshanian continental mar