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在山东半岛威海市海港码头附近的三角花园内,屹立着一座用白色大理石建造的纪念塔。塔身上刻着“收回威海卫纪念塔”八个魏体大字,下方镌刻着“收回威海卫纪念塔记”,记叙了英帝国主义强租威海卫和中国收回威海卫的经过。纪念塔建于1931年。塔高32英尺,象征着英国强租威海32年的悲壮历程。 一、英国强租威海卫经过 威海卫是明朝洪武年间为防御日本海盗(史称“倭寇”)侵扰而设卫筑城的。1888年(光绪十四年),清朝北洋舰队成军,其提督署就设在威海湾的刘公岛上。1894年日本军国主义侵略中国,爆发中日甲午战争。次年,日军攻占刘公岛,北洋舰队全军覆没。中日签订《马关条约》,清朝向日本割地赔款。日本要挟清朝政府,不全部拿到赔款,就不撤兵,这样日军侵占威海达三年之久。 1898年,当日本政府收到清朝全部赔款后,日军于5月23日撤离威海卫,而就在次日,5月24日英国殖民主义的海军就 In the triangular garden near the harbor pier in Weihai, Shandong Peninsula, stands a memorial tower built with white marble. The tower body engraved with “Weihai Wei Memorial Tower,” the eight Wei characters, the bottom engraved with “recall Weihai Wei Memorial Tower,” recounted the British imperialist Weihai Wei and China to withdraw Weihaiwei pass. Memorial tower was built in 1931. Tower 32 feet high, a symbol of strong British leased Weihai 32 years of tragic course. First, the British strong rent Weihai Wei Weiwei Wei Hongwu during the Ming Dynasty to defend the Japanese pirates (known as “Japanese pirates”) intrusion and set up the city. 1888 (fourteen years Guangxu), the Qing Dynasty Northern Fleet into the army, the Providence Department is located in Weihai Bay Liu Island. In 1894, Japanese militarists invaded China and Sino-Japanese war broke out. The following year, the Japanese army captured Liu Island, the Northern Fleet annihilated. China and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and the Qing Dynasty cut its claims to Japan. Japan to blackmail the Qing government, do not get all the reparations, do not withdraw troops, so that the Japanese army invaded Weihai three years. In 1898, when the Japanese government received all the reparations in the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese troops withdrew from Weihai Wei on May 23, and the next day, on May 24, the British colonial navy
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即将过去的20世纪是一个伟大的世纪。这100年,无论对于世界还是对于中国,都是一个充满剧烈震荡、经历深刻变革,同时又取得巨大历史进步的不平凡的年代。 在本世纪的前半叶,
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