Seasonal cycle of topography in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and its relationships with atmospheric

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:styi613
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Seasonal cycle is the most significant signals of topography and circulation in the Bohai Sea (BS) and Yellow Sea (YS) forced by prevailing monsoon and is still poorly understood due to lack of data in their interiors. In the present study, seasonal cycles of topography in the BS and YS and its relationship with atmospheric forcing and oceanic adjustment were examined and discussed using TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) data. Analyses revealed complicated seasonal cycles of topography composed mainly of 2 REOF modes, the winter-summer mode (WIM) and spring-autumn mode (SAM). The WIM with action center in the BS displayed peak and southward pressure gradient in July, and valley and northward pressure gradient in January, which is obviously the direct response to monsoon with about 1-month response time. The SAM with action center in the western south YS displayed peak and northward pressure gradient in October and valley and southward pressure gradient in April. After the mature period Seasonal cycle is the most significant signals of topography and circulation in the Bohai Sea (BS) and Yellow Sea (YS) forced by prevailing monsoon and is still poorly understood due to lack of data in their interiors. In the present study, seasonal cycles of topography in the BS and YS and its relationship with atmospheric forcing and oceanic adjustment were examined and discussed using TOPEX / Poseidon and ERS-1/2 Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) data. Analyzes revealed complicated seasonal cycles of topography composed mainly of 2 REOF modes , the winter-summer mode (WIM) and spring-autumn mode (SAM). The WIM with action center in the BS displayed peak and southward pressure gradient in July, and valley and northward pressure gradient in January, which is obviously the direct response to monsoon with about 1-month response time. The SAM with action center in the western south YS displayed peak and northward pressure gradient in October and valley and southward pressure gradient in April. Afte r the mature period
摘要:思想政治教育是做人的基础工作。党的十七大报告中指出,加强对人的思想政治教育工作,注重人文关怀,使人能正确处理人际交往关系。注重人文关怀,在思想政治教育工作中开展心理疏导,能增强工作的亲和力和教育的有效性。本文主要从心理疏导问题着手,分析了党校思想政治教育中心理疏导的影响和重要性,并提出通过改善心理健康教育工作的办法来增强党校思想政治教育工作的有效性。  关键词:思想政治教育;心理疏导;开展 
【摘 要】中学计算机的素质教育的实施必须从学生的计算机能力、思维品质的培养等方面作出整体性改革,并结合“德育为首,五育并举,全面发展,学有所长”的教育思想,才能提高教学效率和教学质量,提高学生素质,实现教育现代化,从而更好地为国家建设培养大批德才兼备的世纪人才。  【关键词】中学计算机;学生;素质教育  一、计算机能力是学生学习能力的决定性因素  所谓计算机能力,是指学生利用计算机解决自己身边实
摘要:《幼儿园教育指导纲要》要求:“要教育幼儿爱祖国、爱家乡、爱集体。”但是对于幼儿来说,“爱国”的意识比较笼统,且不易理解,因此,在教育实施过程中,不能光靠幼儿园,而应根据幼儿的年龄特点,结合教育要求,与家庭、社区有机结合。  关键词:爱国主义教育;幼儿园;家庭;社区  已有研究显示,学前期是孩子的天性和德行的苏醒阶段,是培养其良好德行的黄金阶段。因此爱国主义教育更应该站在新的起点——学前教育时