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国际市场不是国内市场的简单延伸。国际营销比之国内营销环境复杂,差异颇大,更具风险。现代国际市场上的产品竞争,已非昔日那样仅仅表现在质量方面或价格方面,而呈现出多样化、深层化的趋势。企业树立现代化产品观念,是在激烈的国际市场竞争中致胜的首要因素。 产品是市场中的媒介。消费者希望通过它来满足自己的某种需求;生产者企盼通过它来获取利润;销售者则从自己特有的需要出发,对它寄予某种期望。在国际市场竞争中形成的现代产品观念,与倾向于产品的有形实体而忽视无形部分及其内涵的传统产品观念不同,认为产品是一个系统,由产品的相互作用的要素组成一定的层次结构,也就是说,任何产品都是由功能子系统、有形子系统和附加子系统所组成的系统。产品系统的组成要素相互作用,相互依存又相互制约,每个要素都或多或少、或轻或重、或明显或潜在、或直接或间接地影响着产品的竞争能力。 The international market is not a simple extension of the domestic market. International marketing is more complex than the domestic marketing environment, and it is quite different and more risky. The product competition in the modern international market is not only reflected in the aspect of quality or price as it was in the past, but also presents a trend of diversification and deepening. The establishment of a modern product concept by enterprises is the primary factor in winning the fierce international market competition. Products are the medium in the market. Consumers want to use it to meet their own needs; producers want to use it to obtain profits; sellers start from their own unique needs, place some expectation on it. The concept of modern products formed in the competition in the international market is different from the concept of traditional products that tend to ignore the intangible parts and their connotations, ignoring the tangible entities of the products. It is considered that the product is a system, and the products interact with each other to form a certain hierarchical structure. That is, any product is a system of functional subsystems, tangible subsystems, and additional subsystems. The elements of a product system interact, interdependent, and mutually restrictive. Each element is more or less, light or heavy, or apparently or potentially, or directly or indirectly affects the competitiveness of the product.
网络教育真正大规模的开始是在2001年。国内目前已经被教育部批准的远程教育的学校有47所,每个学校服务的对象有很大的区别,因而教育的模式也有很多不同之处。 人民大学的网
本文分析了如何培养学生的探究能力,即提出主要抓好创新探索学习氛围;大胆质疑,激发探究学习欲望;激发想象、发展学生探究能力;表扬是主动参与探究学习的添加剂。 This arti