产业规模再次升级 经营模式悄然转型——2012年国内电影业发展评析(上)

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对中国的电影产业而言,2012年是危机四伏,奇迹不断的一年。在玛雅人世界末日预言彻底破灭之后,国内电影产业迎来了丰硕成果。这一年,国内电影产业规模进一步升级,共制作完成故事影片745部(含电影频道出品的数字电影92部),动画影片33部,各类电影总产量达893部。全年共有300多部中外影片进入城市影院,累计票房达170.73亿元,同比增长30.18%。同时,国内终端市场规模继续快速扩张。2012年全国新增影院848座,新增银幕数达3832块,同比增幅达26.5%,平均每天增加10块以上,银幕总量达13118块;全年放映场次2000多万,同比放量35.64%;全年观众 For China’s movie industry, 2012 is a year of crisis and a miracle. After the predictions of the Maya world were completely shattered, the domestic film industry ushered in fruitful results. During the year, the domestic movie industry further escalated in scale, producing a total of 745 story films (including 92 digital movies produced by movie channels), 33 animation films and 893 films of various genres. A total of more than 300 Chinese and foreign films entered the city’s cinema during the year, reaching a total of 170.73 billion yuan at the box office, an increase of 30.18% over the same period of last year. At the same time, the domestic terminal market continues to expand rapidly. In 2012, the number of new cinemas nationwide reached 848 with 3832 new screens, an increase of 26.5% over the same period of previous year, an increase of more than 10 screens per day, and a total of 13,118 screens. The annual screenings exceeded 20 million with a year-on-year increase of 35.64% Year-round audience
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