The clock system for LHAASO WCDA based on reduced White Rabbit

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaoxiao880523
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Due to the large scale of Water Cherenkov Detector Array in Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, the frontend digitization is imperative.Thus a clock distribution system is desired,which broadcasts the synchronous clock signals with low jitter to the frontend electronics distributed in the field of 90 000 m~2.The White Rabbit protocol provides an option,which has been approved to achieve sub-ns accuracy and ps jitter in the synchronization of around 1 000 nodes in the order of 10 km.But the hierarchy of the original is too complex for Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory application.Thus we proposed a reduced scheme based on the White Rabbit protocol.The validation circuit shows that the clock skew due to the fiber length difference can be adjusted to less than 25 ps and the clock jitter is less than 62 ps. Due to the large scale of Water Cherenkov Detector Array in Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, the frontend digitization is imperative. Which broadcasts the synchronous clock signals with low jitter to the frontend electronics distributed in the field of 90 000 m ~ 2. The White Rabbit protocol provides an option, which has been approved to achieve sub-ns accuracy and ps jitter in the synchronization of around 1 000 nodes in the order of 10 km.But the hierarchy of the original is too complex for Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory application. Here we propose a reduced scheme based on the White Rabbit protocol. The validation circuit shows that the clock skew due to the fiber length difference can be adjusted to less than 25 ps and the clock jitter is less than 62 ps.
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摘要:过程检测是指在生产过程中,为及时掌握生产情况和监视、控制生产过程,而对其中一些变量进行的定性检查和定量测量。检测的目的是为了获取各过程变量值的信息。根据检测结果可对影响过程状况的变量进行自动调节或操纵,以达到提高质量、降低成本、节约能源、减少污染和安全生产等目的。  关键词:检测仪表 分类 检测误差  通过测量可以得到被测量量的测量值,然而测量目的还未全部达到,为了准确地获取表征对象特征