
来源 :人生十六七 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytvct
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他死了,对于死,他从来都没有惧怕过。作为一个杀手,他无数次杀人,无数次面对死亡。死亡,在他眼中已经是一个甚至比“吃饭”还要平常的词。他一直以为自己死时会很平静地面对,可是此刻他无论如何也平静不下来,他心底的凉比背后伤口的凉更彻底,更令人绝望。一冬天,本来应该是一个非常寒冷的季节,而这里却温暖如春。室内的陈设非常简单,一炉,一桌,一灯,一壶酒,三把椅,三只酒杯,当然还有三个男人。申屠阳文如他的名字一样,像个书生。白净的脸上不要说伤疤,就连一点皱纹都没有。而另外两人却满脸的伤痕,如果在三更半夜突然出现在谁的面前,不用动刀,对方也会被吓死。而他们也确实是能令人闻名而死的魔鬼,他们正是五年前江湖上听之令人毛骨悚然的“西河双煞”——绝命刀王宝、勾魂刀王烈。可是此刻,这对魔鬼竟然与书生模样的申屠阳文一起对酌,而王宝居然与申屠阳文下着棋——竟然是围棋。要是五年前,人们看到这一幕,肯定会笑掉大牙。但此刻他们三个人并没有笑,申屠阳文凝视着棋盘,觉得局面似乎有些不妙。王烈站在一边看着他们两人,不时拿起酒壶给他们加点酒,他并不在意这一盘棋的输赢。其实申屠阳文与王宝又何尝在乎这一局的胜负?但申 He died. He never feared death. As a killer, he killed countless times and faced death numerous times. Death, in his eyes, is an even more common word than eating. He always thought that he would be very calm when he died, but at this moment he could not calm down anyway, and the coldness of his heart was more thorough and desperate than the coldness of the back wound. In the winter, it should have been a very cold season, but here it is warm and spring. The interior furnishings are very simple, one stove, one table, one lamp, one pot of wine, three chairs, three glasses, and of course three men. Shen Tuyang, like his name, is like a scholar. The pale face does not speak of scars, not even a few wrinkles. But the other two people have bruises on their faces. If they suddenly appear in front of someone in the middle of the night and do not have to use a knife, the other person will be scared to death. And they are indeed devils who can be famous for their death. They were the horrible “Side of the West River” heard by the rivers and lakes five years ago - the desperate sword of Wang Bao and the Scroll knife Wang Lie. But at the moment, the devil was actually playing with Shen Tuyangwen who was a scholar. But Wang Bao actually played chess with Shen Tuyang. It turned out to be Go. If people saw this scene five years ago, they would definitely laugh at the big teeth. But at the moment, the three of them did not laugh. Shen Tuyang Wen stared at the chessboard and felt that the situation seemed to be a bit off. Wang Lie stood watching the two of them and picked up the jug to add some wine to them. He did not care about the outcome of this game. In fact, does Shen Tuyang and Wang Bao care about the outcome of this game?
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