Max Mara旗舰店开幕酒会 欢笑声中揭幕

来源 :明日风尚(娱乐名人) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ares_sh
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Max Mara全新旗舰店在铜锣湾名店坊正式开幕!品牌为了隆重其事,请来刘嘉玲联同品牌管理层担任特别嘉宾,为全新Max Mara主持揭幕仪式。新店分为两层,嘉宾在店外走过红地毯后来到店内,先在一楼参加酒会,欣赏全新系列。大家在一楼说说笑笑,气氛相当愉快,当向街外望时。原来楼下已挤满了途人围观,而揭幕仪式也正式开始。三位特别嘉宾站在台前,手放在按钮上,司仪倒数三声后,大型彩球爆开,彩纸飘散,围观的途人与嘉宾也欢笑和拍掌,最后齐齐举杯,揭幕仪式圆满结束。 Max Mara’s new flagship store was officially opened in the Causeway Bay Shoppes Square. The brand wanted to be solemn and invited Liu Jialing to join the brand management as a special guest to unveil the new Max Mara. The new store is divided into two floors. Guests pass by the red carpet outside the store and then come to the store. They will attend the reception on the first floor to enjoy the new series. Everyone laughs and laughs on the first floor. The atmosphere is quite pleasant. When looking outside the street. Originally downstairs was crowded with passers-by, and the unveiling ceremony officially began. Three special guests stood in front of the stage and put their hands on the buttons. After the countdown to three counts by the master of ceremonies, the large colored balls burst open and the colored paper floated. The passers-by and the guests of the crowd also laughed and clap. Finally, they raised their glasses together. The ceremony ended successfully.
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