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与德国相识,印象深刻的是几位名噪世界的“德国兄弟”。其一是“洪堡兄弟”,哥哥是柏林大学的创始人,弟弟是颇有名气的自然科学家。其二是著名的“韦伯兄弟”,他们在文化社会学上的造诣,令后生无法望其项背。冉后就是大名鼎鼎、无人不晓的格林兄弟,他们笔下的《白雪公主》,《小红帽》,《灰姑娘》等一个又一个的故事,永不厌倦地被世界各个角落、不同肤色的成人和孩子传阅,背诵,这样盎然的文化现象,的确让人兴奋。沿着格林笔下的童话之旅一路走来,我发现,德国不愧是标准绿色生态的楷模,就看那成片的墨绿色的森林,瑞气上升,祥云盘旋,虽不欢跃、不敞亮,但静静地茂盛勃发,催生出了一对对携手而行,并在诸多领域独占鳌头的“伟大兄弟”。虽说《白雪公主》的结尾有落入俗套之嫌,但公主加王子的美满套路,依然感动着地球各个村落的人群。善良战胜邪恶,是格林兄弟向世界昭示的真理。德国文化界人士曾这样解析《格林童话集》:“白雪公主”与后母之间的争执源于母女都想占有父亲的伊底帕斯情结。后母、继母在格林笔下出现频繁,反映了欧洲近世初期,每5名已婚男子就有1人失婚再娶的历史事实。 Having met with Germany, what impressed me most was the “German brothers” who were famous in the world. One is the “Humboldt Brothers,” the brother is the founder of the University of Berlin, and the younger brother is a well-known natural scientist. The second is the famous “Webber Brothers.” Their accomplishments in cultural sociology have made it impossible for later students to succeed. Afterwards, the famous Brothers Grimm, known as “Snow White”, “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Cinderella,” and other one-on-one stories, are never bored by adults in every corner of the world and in different colors. It is indeed exciting that children circulate and reciting such cultural phenomena. Along the journey of Green’s fairytale journey, I discovered that Germany is a model of the standard green ecology. It depends on the dark green forests, where the rising spirits and the clouds circling, although not joyful or bright, Quietly flourishing, they spawned a pair of “great brothers” who work hand in hand and have won first place in many fields. Although the end of the “Snow White” has fallen into the stereotypes, but Princess Prince plus a happy routine, still moving people in the villages of the Earth. Goodness to overcome evil is the truth that the Brothers Grimm have revealed to the world. The German cultural community once analyzed the “Grimstone Fairy Tales” in this way: The dispute between “Snow White” and the stepmother stems from the fact that the mother and daughter want to possess the father’s Ediaphas complex. The mother-in-law and the step-mother appear frequently in Green’s pen, reflecting the historical fact that in the early days of Europe, one out of every five married men was married and remarried.
在定比分点公式的证明过程中 ,出现了如下一个重要的表达式 :λ =PMMQ=xM-xPxQ-xM=yM - yPyQ- yM  ( )点P在有向线段PQ的内部 λ 0 ;点P在有向线段PQ的外部 λ 0 .在定比
容如下: 如图1,在△ABC中。D是BC边上的中点,则有:AB2+AC2=2(AD2+BD2), 这里所要证明的并不是这个定理,而是其一般形式. 在△ABC中,D是BC边或其延长线上一点,且BD:DC=m=1,
Comparative fishing experiments were carried out in 2010 using tube traps with five hole diameters (8, 15, 18, 20 and 22 mm) to establish the size selectivity o
生我们刚刚学过一元二次方程,它的一般形式是ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0),现在又学了二次函数,它的一般式是y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0).老师,这两者之间有某种联系吗? We have just learned a q