强化征缴措施 完善支出管理 提高养老保险基金自给能力

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天津是一个老工业基地,经济结构不合理的矛盾十分突出,国有企业包袱沉重,职工队伍老化,基本养老保险负担系数较高,从1995年开始养老保险基金连续7年入不敷出,靠财政补助平衡基金收支。面对诸多困难,近年来,天津市委、市政府按照党中央、国务院的要求,努力做好“两个确保”工作,经过艰苦努力,解决了一些重大的、突出的养老保险问题。采取“三三制”办法,保证了统筹项目内养老金按时足额发放;在提高退休人员养老金的同时,补发了12万人历年欠发的统筹项目内养老金3.1亿元;全面实施养老保险全额征缴和社会化发放,财政补助资金11.2亿元,实现全额征缴率和社会化发放率达到100%的目标,使全市85万企业退休人员可以按时足额领到统筹项目内养老金。这些问题的解决为改革、发展、社会稳定创造了有利条件。 Tianjin is an old industrial base. The contradictions of unreasonable economic structure are very prominent. The burden of state-owned enterprises is heavy and the workforce is aging. The basic endowment insurance burden factor is high. Since 1995, the endowment insurance fund has been unable to make ends meet for seven years. By means of the financial subsidy balance fund Income and expenditure. Faced with many difficulties, in recent years, the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government have worked hard to make “two guarantees” work in accordance with the requirements of the Central Party Committee and the State Council. After painstaking efforts, Tianjin Municipal Government has solved some major and outstanding problems of pension insurance. Adopt the “three-three system” approach to ensure that the pension within the co-ordination project will be paid in full and on time; while raising the pension for retirees, it will re-allocate a total of 310 million yuan of pensions within the co-ordinated project of 120,000 in the past years; Full implementation of the pension collection and social payment, the financial assistance funds 1.12 billion yuan, to achieve the full collection rate and socialization rate of 100% of the target, so that the city’s 850,000 corporate retirees can receive full and on time Co-ordinate the project within the pension. The solution of these problems has created favorable conditions for the reform, development and social stability.
护卫这: 如梦的秋图: 如痴的秋情: 如醉的秋韵。潦此数笔, 轻抹淡彩。秋天既有烂漫似锦的繁华, 更有幡然而醒的感悟与神释; 秋天给大自然融入凝重、静穆和质朴的韵致, 秋天
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