Estimation and Prediction of Bioconcentration Factors of Nonionic Organic Chemicals in Fish by Elect

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingxyz
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Based on the characteristics of atom types, Hall’s electrotopological state indices (En) are calculated for 165 nonionic organic compounds. On the basis of the characteristics of substituent and conjugated matrix, a novel molecular structure parameter (G) is defined and calcu- lated for 165 molecules in this paper. En and G show good structural selectivity for organic molecules. G, a satisfactory relationship between bioconcentration factor (BCF) and En, is expressed as: lgBCF = –0.283 + 1.246G + 0.079E42 + 0.351E9 – 0.063E17 (n’ = 122, R = 0.967, F = 425.636, s = 0.394), which could provide estimation and prediction for the lgBCF of nonionic organic chemicals. Furthermore, the model is examined to validate overall robustness with Jackknife tests, and the independent variables in model do not exist cross correlation with VIF. All these regression results show that the new parameter G and electrotopological state index have good rationality and efficiency. It is concluded that the En and G will be used widely in quantitative structure-property/activity relationship (QSPR/QSAR) research. Based on the characteristics of atom types, Hall’s electrotopological state indices (En) are calculated for 165 nonionic organic compounds. On the basis of the characteristics of substituent and conjugated matrix, a novel molecular structure parameter (G) is defined and calcu- lated for 165 molecules in this paper. En and G show good structural selectivity for organic molecules. G, a satisfactory relationship between bioconcentration factor (BCF) and En, is expressed as: lgBCF = -0.283 + 1.246G + 0.079E42 + 0.351E9-0.06 E17 (n ’= 122, R = 0.967, F = 425.636, s = 0.394), which could provide estimation and prediction for the lgBCF of nonionic organic chemicals. Furthermore, the model is examined to validate overall robustness with Jackknife tests, and the all these regression results show that the new parameter G and electrotopological state index have good rationality and efficiency. It is even that the that En and G will be used widely in quantitative structure-property / activity relationship (QSPR / QSAR) research.
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