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目的:分析目前社会资本办医发展现状与存在的问题,并从医疗机构信用体系建设角度探索完善社会资本办医。方法:运用信息经济学委托代理理论和政府规制理论分析民营医院违规经营现状及其社会认可度低产生的原因。结果:医疗服务信息不对称、行业监管缺失、政府规制失灵是导致民营医院问题层出、社会认可度不高、发展缓慢的重要原因。信用体系的建设能在一定程度上缓解委托代理方的信息不对称,强化对民营医院的监管,同时增加社会信任度。结论:建议在国家信用体系建设的大环境下,加强医疗机构特别是民营医疗机构的建设工作,通过建立统一信用代码、进行信用评估、建立信用奖惩机制等措施来完善医疗服务行业的信用信息体系,规范民营医院发展环境,促进社会资本办医格局的良性发展。 Objective: To analyze the status quo and existing problems in the current development of social capital in medical treatment and to seek perfection of social capital for medical treatment from the perspective of the construction of credit system in medical institutions. Methods: By using the principal-agent theory of information economics and government regulation theory, this paper analyzes the current situation of illegal operation in private hospitals and the reasons for their low social acceptance. Results: Asymmetric medical service information, lack of supervision and regulation in the industry and failure of government regulation were the main reasons that led to the problems of private hospitals and poor social recognition and slow development. The construction of the credit system can alleviate the asymmetric information entrusted to the agency side to a certain extent, strengthen the supervision of private hospitals, and increase the social trust. Conclusion: It is suggested to strengthen the construction of medical institutions, especially private medical institutions under the environment of national credit system construction, and improve the credit information system of medical service industry by establishing credit codes, conducting credit evaluation and establishing credit rewards and punishments mechanisms , Regulate the development environment of private hospitals, and promote the healthy development of social capital to run the medical service.
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有一次我问一个小男孩:“灯光亮还是星光亮?”他毫不犹豫地回答:“灯光亮。”是啊,在城里,我们抬头看天空时,往往感觉不到星光的存在。在都市的高楼丛林里,天空是狭窄的,黯淡的,就像一口井。  我陷入回忆。我什么时候感觉到过星光的存在?噢,是在童年的大山里。夜幕降临,星光就缓缓明亮起来。那光芒,柔和而安静,使得那山峦,那河流,那小路,那大树,都显现出白日里看不到的轮廓,并且从里到外泛出匀净的光泽。星光下
5月15日,优利公司将与汇杰国际签署一项协议,把优利的最多支持32路Xeon的e-@ction ES7000公司级服务器引入国内,据称该服务器已经有用户,但汇杰方面不愿透露用户方信息。作