
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rxw257
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东方汽轮机厂党委从抓积极分子队伍建设入手做好发展党员工作,积极分子队伍不断壮大,近几年来每年新增加的积极分子占积极分子总数的20%左右,是每年入党人数的1.5倍。积极分子队伍的结构也发生了明显变化,40岁以下的占80.1%,中专、高中以上文化水平的占82.9%,综合素质也在不断提高。 东方汽轮机厂党委认为,建立一支数量充足、结构合理、政治素质好的积极分子队伍是做好发展党员工作,保证新党员质量的基础,因此,他们在打好基础上下功夫。 ——抓超前培训教育。现在,东方汽轮机厂35岁以下的青年职工占52%,他们是工厂的未来,是21世纪工厂的重要骨干力量,但他们对党的基本知识了解得很少,对党的认识也很肤浅。党委认为,对他们必须加强教育,对尚未写入党申请书的职工,尤其是青年职工,党组织要 Party committees from Dongfang Steam Turbine Factory started with the building of a contingent of activists and did a good job of developing party members. The ranks of activists have been constantly expanding. In recent years, the number of new activists each year has accounted for about 20% of the total number of activists and 1.5 times the number of people joining the party each year. The structure of the activists has also undergone significant changes. 80.1% of those under the age of 40, 82.9% of secondary and senior high school graduates, and their overall quality are constantly improving. Party Committee of Dongfang Steam Turbine Factory believes that to establish a contingent of activists with sufficient numbers, reasonable structures and good political qualities is the basis for developing the work of party members and guaranteeing the quality of new party members. Therefore, they work hard to lay a solid foundation. Grasping advanced training education. Now, Dongfang Steam Turbine Plant occupies 52% of the young workers under the age of 35. They are the future of the factory and an important backbone force for the 21st century factory. However, they have little understanding of the basic knowledge of the party and superficial understanding of the party. Party committees think it necessary for them to step up education. For those workers who have not yet written the party application, especially the young workers and party organizations
20 0 1年 7月 30日 ,五道沟河的洪峰安全经过临江市聚宝水电站 ,经检测表明 ,大坝防渗量优于设计标准。这说明水电一局采用沥青混凝土心墙筑坝技术获得了成功 ,开创了吉林省