
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcsuoboger
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每年的暮春初夏,是石楠花盛开的季节,此时在一些城市都会因石楠花引起不大不小的争论,原因是石楠的花朵有一种怪怪的味道,有人对这种怪味非常反感,说是其花味道腥臭,甚至有网友还给出了“权威的解释”:“石楠花又名淫树精花,每年三四月份开花,花香奇特,具有催情生精的效果。”甚至在南方某城市还有人建议砍去石楠树,改种其它的树木,其实这大可不必,因为石楠花的这种气味是它吸引昆虫或者其它小动物为其传播花粉,繁衍后代的一种手段,我们不必大惊小怪,如果您不喜欢石楠花的味道的话,不要离它太近就行了,毕竟石楠花的花期也不长,一般为7天~10天。据一些网络资料介绍,石楠的叶子晒干后可入药,具有祛风、通络、益肾等功能,但据河南中医院的专业人士介绍,全国 Early spring and early summer of each year is the season of heather blooming, at this time in some cities will be heather caused quite an argument, because heather flowers have a strange taste, some people are very offensive to this strange smell, that is The flowers taste stench, and even some netizens also gave “Authoritative Explanation ”: “Heather Flower, also known as dirty tree flowers, each year in March and April flowering, peculiar flowers, with hypnosis effect.” "Even in It is also suggested in some southern cities that it is necessary to cut down heather trees and rebuild other trees, which is not necessary because the smell of heather flowers is a means by which insects and other small animals can spread pollen and multiply their offspring. Do not make a fuss, if you do not like the smell of heather flowers, do not be too close to it, after all, heather flower is not long, usually 7 days to 10 days. According to some network information, heather leaves can be dried after the medicine, with Qufeng, meridians, kidney and other functions, but according to the Henan Hospital of Chinese professionals, the country
Adopting the corpus-based approach,this paper analyzes the adjective/noun collocation with tWO English words big and large as examples by comparing data from Ch