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湖北省对政厅根据商业部、财政部司发(91)财(价)会联字第79号文件精神,结合本省实际,以鄂财工发(1991)598号文对国营企业捐赠抗洪救灾的有关财务会计处理问题暂作如下规定: 一、企业捐赠的固定资产,捐出企业作减少固定基金处理,即按固定资产原价贷(减):固定资产,按已提折旧额,借(减):折旧,按固定资产净值借(减):固定基金。接受捐赠的企业按固定资产原价(没有固定资产帐面原价的按现行调拨价)借(增):固定资产,按固定资产净值(没有帐面净值按重置价值)贷(增):固定基金,按已提折旧额(或固定资产原价与净值的差额)贷(增):折旧。二、企业捐赠的流动资产(包括材料、产品和贷币资金等),由企业留利或专用基金中开支,即按捐赠的价款借(减):专用基金,贷(减):产成品(或原材料、现金、银行存款)。接受捐赠的企业如果是将收到的物资、资金用于救济职工个人,可通过“专用基金——职工福利基金”帐户进行核算;如果是将收到的物资、资金投入生产过程,作增加流动基 In accordance with the spirit of Document No. 79 issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance, and combined with the actual situation of the province, the Hubei Provincial Department of the Political Affairs Office donated flood relief to the state-owned enterprises in the form of E Cai Gongfa (1991) No.598. The issues related to financial accounting are tentatively set out as follows: 1. Fixed assets donated by enterprises, donated by enterprises to reduce the fixed fund processing, that is, the loan is deducted (reduced) at the original price of fixed assets: fixed assets are depreciated by depreciation. ): Depreciation, borrow (decrease) by fixed asset net value: Fixed fund. The enterprise that accepts the donation shall borrow (increase) the fixed asset’s original price (without the current book price of the fixed asset’s original price): the fixed asset, and the loan (increased) based on the net value of the fixed asset (without the net book value): fixed fund , Depreciation (or the difference between the original price and net value of fixed assets) is loaned (increase): depreciation. 2. Current assets donated by enterprises (including materials, products and loan funds, etc.) shall be deducted from the profits of enterprises or special funds, that is, they shall be borrowed (reduced) according to the donated price: special funds, loans (minus): finished products ( Or raw materials, cash, bank deposits). If the enterprise accepting the donation is to use the materials and funds received for the personal relief of employees, it can be accounted for through the “Special Fund-Employee Welfare Fund” account; if it is to put the materials and funds received into the production process, it will increase the flow. base
2007年5月20日是第17个“助残日”。本次助残日主题是“保障残疾人权益,共建和谐社会”。残疾人作为社会上的特殊困难群体,需要社会方方面面的关怀和照顾。 May 20, 2007 is
为迎接党的十七大的胜利召开,丰富活跃者同志的文化生活,市老年大学利用假期,下基层慰问演出。图为曾在2006年中央电视台 In order to meet the victory of the 17th Nation
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目的检测胸腹部创伤病人外周血中白细胞介素-12(IL-12)的水平,并评估其临床意义。方法采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附测量法检测77例胸腹部损伤病人外周血中 IL-12的水平,35例健
一个母亲要做的工作实在太多了。然而,安排出一个固定的时间与孩子交心,就像阳光对植物一样重要。要与孩子保持心灵的沟通,一定要做到: There is so much work to be done b