3月16日,中国海军舰艇编队与法国海军舰艇编队在海军北海舰队参谋长张盘洪少将和法国太平洋海区司令德贡坦松少将指挥下,在中国黄海海域进行了首次海上联合演习。记者全程参加观摩演习,亲历了东西方大国海军联袂的这场海上兵力行动。 航行在同一编队 16日9时许,圆满完成对我国5天友好访问的法国舰艇编队,伴随铿锵的军乐,在北海舰队“哈尔滨”号导弹驱逐舰引导下,解缆离开青岛港。 侠客之间道别,最惬意的方式是下场子走几招。对于“有朋自远方来”的
On March 16, the first naval joint exercise was conducted in the Yellow Sea in China under the command of Major General Zhang Panhong, chief of the staff of the Navy's North Sea Fleet, and Major General DeGontane, the commander of the French Pacific Ocean. Reporter full participation in the observation exercise, witnessed the naval forces of East and West together this sea force operations. Sailing at the same formation at 9 o'clock on the 16th, successfully completed the five-day friendly visit to China's French naval formation, accompanied by sonorous military music, in the North Sea Fleet “Harbin” guided missile destroyer, untied Qingdao port. Knight goodbyes, the most pleasant way is to take a few strokes. For “a friend from afar”