中国的互联网行业自1997开始起步,发展到今天的状态,可以说与资本市场的刺激密切相关。CⅡ总裁调查表明,在中国的互联网行业,55%的企业接受了风险投资,大多数企业将获得风险投资作为企业经营良好的标志。但是自从NASDAQ下跌以后,互联网行业面临严峻的考验,人们对中国现阶段大力提倡电子商务的必要性产生了怀疑和不同的看法。 作为互联网的研究机构,CⅡ致力于通过与企业进行交流并向企业界学习,对企业的实践和经验进行总结和分析,然后提供给企业,以期对这个行业的健康发展有所助益。
China’s Internet industry started its business from 1997 to its present state. It can be said that the Internet industry is closely related to the stimulation of the capital market. CII president of the survey showed that in China’s Internet industry, 55% of companies have accepted venture capital investment, most companies will get venture capital as a sign of good business. However, since the fall of NASDAQ, the Internet industry is facing a severe test. People have doubts and different opinions about the necessity of vigorously promoting e-commerce in China at this stage. As a research institute on the Internet, CII is committed to communicating with enterprises and learning from the business community, summarizing and analyzing the practices and experiences of enterprises, and then providing them to enterprises in the hope of benefiting the healthy development of the industry.