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每当高考、中考的成绩公布后,常听到有的考生遗憾地说:“我的总分差几分就上录取线了,唉,真气!”“我的总分比估计的分数少了一、二十分”……我们为某些差几分就上线的考生婉惜。对于考试,考生每每最气的是懂得的题目没有得满分,我们为之感到遗憾。一年一度的八一年高、中考试又快到了,借此机会,笔者试就数学这科“懂得的题目为啥得不到满分”这个问题谈一些粗浅看法,供师生们参考,期望考生们能做到“懂得的题目就要得满分”。所谓懂得的题目,指的是题意理解,解题方向明确,解题所需的基础知识和基本技能已掌握。既然如此,为什么有时还得不到 Whenever the scores of the college entrance examination and the senior high school entrance examination are announced, some candidates are often heard to say with regret: “My score is a few points worse than on the admission line. Hey, infuriating!” “My score is lower than the estimated score. One and two-tenths...” We regret for some candidates who are on the line a few minutes apart. For exams, we often feel sorry for the fact that most of the time, the most irritating questions of the candidates are not full marks. The annual high school and middle school exams were approaching again in the 8th year of the year. To take this opportunity, the author tried to talk about the topic of mathematics, which is “I don’t get the perfect score,” and I’ll talk about some superficial views for teachers and students. Candidates can achieve “a full score for a topic they know.” The so-called topic of understanding refers to the understanding of the question, the direction of solving the problem is clear, and the basic knowledge and basic skills required to solve the problem have been mastered. If so, why don’t we sometimes get it?
1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料病例为1998年11月至2000年11月收治的重症急性胰腺炎患者,共12例.男性6例,女性6例.年龄33~76岁,55岁以上9例.本组均有突起上腹痛,发热,腹胀,肠麻痹及
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