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研究目的:根据新丰镇编组站衔接线路方向多、客货干扰大、折角车流多等问题,对车站平面布置、线路疏解、交换场设置及房屋集中等方面进行深入研究和探讨,提出新的思路和创新点。研究结论:(1)在车站两端引入线路数量多(两端各有3条双线引入)的条件下,车站总平面布置力求做到“出入便捷、立体疏解、作业顺畅、减少交叉”;(2)大型编组站结合衔接线路数量、位置和预测作业量,尽量布置为双向纵列三级式,各场、段布局及出入段作业均衡,减少各项作业的交叉干扰;(3)在全路首次提出了新的交换场布置型式:即交换场交换线一端与驼峰连接,一端与另一系统到达场连接,这样交换场就直接溜放至交换场,集结成组后直接牵引至到达场进行再次解体。这种布置方式较传统的交换场布置既减少了交换车取送车次数,又减轻了多调车场尾部和出发场作业的干扰,有效提高了作业效率和作业能力。 Research purposes: According to Xinfengzhen Marshalling Station convergence line direction, the interference of passengers and goods, folding car and more issues such as station layout, line ease, exchange site settings and housing concentration in-depth study and discussion, put forward new Ideas and innovation. Research conclusions: (1) With the introduction of a large number of lines at both ends of the station (3 double lines at each end), the total plane layout of the station strives to achieve "easy access, three-dimensional ease, smooth operation, (2) The large marshalling yard should be arranged in three-way bidirectional tandem with the number, location and predicted workload of the connecting lines as much as possible, so as to reduce the cross interference of various operations; ) Put forward for the first time in the whole new type of exchange field layout: one end of the exchange field exchange line is connected to the hump, and one end is connected to another system arrival field, so that the exchange field slides directly to the exchange field and is assembled into a group and then directly towed To reach the field to disintegrate again. The arrangement of this arrangement is more traditional exchange field layout not only reduces the number of take-off and transfer vehicles, but also reduces the multi-tonning yard tail and starting the operation of the interference, effectively improving the operating efficiency and operational capacity.
[摘要]文章通过对新形势下高校伙食社会化改革中反映出来的新情况进行分析,就如何加强高校伙食外聘员工队伍建设进行探讨,以确保这支队伍能更好地适应高校伙食改革与发展的需要,在伙食管理与服务中长久地保持生机与活力,促进高校伙食工作和谐发展。  [关键词]外聘员工 队伍建设 高校伙食  [作者简介]秦海波(1969- ),男,湖南永州人,淮海工学院饮食服务总公司副总经理,助理研究员,南京理工大学在职研究生
基于Labview测试系统的软硬件选择与设计,在此基础上利用了Labview的高级信号处理工具箱中的小波包信号分解的模块,分别对发动机怠速900 r/min及中速2 000 r/min的正常及故障
Ad Hoc网络具有拓扑动态变化,网络节点自身能量、带宽等性能受限的特点,会导致路由不稳定性的增加和网络性能的下降,因而寻找稳定路由,提高网络性能是AdHoc网络研究的一个重要课
目的:探讨胃肠道间质瘤(Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor,GIST)的螺旋CT影像表现和诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析13例经手术病理证实的GIST的螺旋CT表现。使用GEPROSPEEDF1I双层螺旋C