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“地上本来没有路,走的人多了,便就成了路。”这是鲁迅的话。 “世上的路多了,自己多踩踩,找一条我的路”。这是我自己的话。 要说路,能使我终生难忘的,便是三年前所走过的那段路了。 三年的高中生活,虽然没有到“头悬梁、锥刺骨”的境地,却也备尝了“三更灯火五更鸡”的艰辛。三天高考,为了能从那座“独木桥”上通过,走出大山窝子,只能铆足劲儿,背水一战。然而,名落孙山的现实彻底击溃了我走进山外世界的梦想。 “There is no way on the earth, many people go, it has become a way.” This is Lu Xun’s words. “There are more roads in the world, and I step on more and find one for my path.” This is my own words. To tell the truth, it will make my life unforgettable, that is, the passage of three years ago. Three years of high school life, although not to “head beam, cone biting” situation, but also tasted the “three lights five more chicken” difficult. Three days of the college entrance examination, in order to be able to pass from that “single-plank bridge”, out of the mountains Wozi, only riveting enough effort, backwater war. However, the reality of nameless mountains completely defeated my dream of entering the world outside the mountains.
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90年代中期,她自作聪明的认为我参加了早恋军团,并在那年5月偷看了我写的日记,这导致我离家出走一天,并在同年年底和她签订了《互不干涉条约》。 1996年,她在百忙之中抽空考
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