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秦镜的特点是弦纹镜占绝对多数,陕西地区出土者是典型秦文化传统的镜式,标准化程度相当高。从战国晚期到秦代延至汉初,秦统一后流布全国各地。秦镜出土时残损比例超过80%以上。将秦镜的残损简单地归结于其质地薄脆已不足以解释如此高比例残损的原因,秦墓中对随葬铜镜的位置的讲究、对铜镜残片有意识的分别摆放,都显示出秦镜的残损很可能是在使用铜镜随葬时人为打碎的,故推断秦人在使用铜镜随葬时有毁器的习俗。考古发现揭示,毁镜习俗与地域和民族有关,在陕西、甘陇秦人腹地比较流行,其他地区则仅见于屈肢葬的秦人墓葬中。在时间上,毁镜习俗的流行也只限于秦文化崛起的过程中,随着秦亡汉兴,这种古老的习俗似乎也渐行式微。这种习俗在北方的匈奴、鲜卑民族中也能见到。 Qin mirror is characterized by the majority of string mirror, the unearthed in Shaanxi Province is a typical mirror of the Qin culture, the standardization of a very high degree. From late Warring States period to Qin Dynasty to early Han Dynasty, Qin reunified throughout the country. Qin mirror unearthed more than 80% of the damage ratio. Qin mirror of the damage simply due to the texture of crispbread has not been sufficient to explain the reasons for such a high percentage of damage, Qin tombs on the location of funeral bronze mirror pay attention to the copper mirror fragments were consciously placed, have shown Qin mirror Of the damage is likely to be broken in the use of bronze mirror artificially, it is concluded that the use of bronze mirror Qin people buried in the burial of custom. Archaeological discoveries reveal that the devastating mirror custom is related to the region and the nation. In Shaanxi, the Gansu and Qinalong people are more popular in the hinterland. In other areas, they are only found in the Qin people who have bent their burials. In time, the popularity of ruining mirror custom is only limited in the process of the rise of Qin culture. With the death of Han, this ancient custom seems to be gradually declining. This custom can also be seen in the Huns and Xianbei tribes in the north.
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