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研究和建立载铀样品球法,是为了对核燃料元件破损探测系统进行灵敏度标定和稳定性考验。输送机构把铀样品球送入反应堆芯部,裂变产物由冷却水带出,用以模拟破损信号。研制了五种载铀样品球。Ⅰ~Ⅳ型样品球可提供以铀量或露铀面积为参量的破损信号。Ⅴ型样品球模拟了元件包壳微裂纹状的破损,用此样品球证明了缓发中子探测器不易探测到这类破损。长时间的辐照冲刷考验表明,各种铀样品球的寿命能满足标定实验要求。多次标定实验表明,此方法有较高的精度,操作既方便又安全,可节约核燃料,减少放射性污染。用此方法还进行了一些与破损机理有关的实验研究。 Studying and establishing the uranium-bearing sample ball method is to test the sensitivity calibration and stability of the nuclear fuel element damage detection system. The delivery mechanism feeds the uranium sample spheres into the reactor core and the fission products are carried by the cooling water to simulate the breakage signal. Five types of uranium-bearing sample spheres were developed. Ⅰ ~ Ⅳ type sample ball can provide uranium or exposed uranium area as a parameter of the damage signal. The Ⅴ sample sphere simulates the microcrack-like damage of the component cladding, and the sample sphere proves that the slow neutron detector is not easy to detect such damage. Prolonged irradiation scouring tests show that the life of a variety of uranium sample ball to meet the calibration requirements. Repeated calibration experiments show that this method has higher accuracy, convenient and safe operation, can save nuclear fuel and reduce radioactive contamination. In this method, some experimental studies on the mechanism of damage have also been carried out.
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