曲马朵(tramadol)是一种新型强效镇痛剂,常见不良反应有胃肠道反应、眩晕,少数可引起心悸、体位性低血压等。该药致阵发性心房纤颤,笔者未见国内文献报道。现遇到1例,报道如下。 患者男性,68a,因胸痛、咳嗽、咯血6mo,加重伴声嘶2mo入院。既往无心血管病史,否认药物过敏史。入院后经查体、胸片、胸部CT检查,临床诊
Tramadol (tramadol) is a new potent analgesic, common adverse reactions are gastrointestinal reactions, dizziness, a few can cause heart palpitations, orthostatic hypotension. The drug induced paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, the author did not report the domestic literature. Now encountered in 1 case, reported as follows. Male patients, 68a, due to chest pain, cough, hemoptysis 6mo, increased with hoarseness 2mo admission. No past history of cardiovascular disease, denied the history of drug allergies. After admission, physical examination, chest radiography, chest CT examination, clinical diagnosis