An IconMap-based exploratory analytical approach for multivariate geospatial data

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hui123456gavin
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This paper discusses an iconmap-based visualization technique that enables multiple geospatial variables to be illustrated in a single GIS raster layer.This is achieved by extending the conventional pixelbased data structure to an iconic design.In this way,spatial patterns generated by the interaction of geographic variables can be disclosed,and geospatial information mining can be readily achieved.As a case study,a visual analysis of soil organic matter and soil nutrients for Shuangliu County in the city of Chengdu,China,was undertaken using the prototype IconMapper software,developed by the authors.The results show that the static IconMap can accurately exhibit trends in the distribution of organic matter and nutrients in soil.The dynamic iconmap can both reflect interaction patterns between organic matter and the nutrient variables,and display soil fertility levels in a comprehensive way.Thus,the iconmap-based visualization approach is shown to be a non-fused,exploratory analytical approach for multivariate data analysis and as a result is a valuable method for visually analyzing soil fertility conditions. This paper discusses an iconmap-based visualization technique that enables multiple geospatial variables to be illustrated in a single GIS raster layer. This is achieved by extending the conventional pixelbased data structure to an iconic design. In this way, spatial patterns generated by the interaction of geographic variables can be disclosed, and geospatial information mining can be readily achieved. As a case study, a visual analysis of soil organic matter and soil nutrients for Shuangliu County in the city of Chengdu, China, was undertaken using the prototype IconMapper software, developed by the authors. results show that the static IconMap can accurately exhibit trends in the distribution of organic matter and nutrients in soil. dynamic iconmap can both reflect interaction patterns between organic matter and the nutrient variables, and display soil fertility levels in a comprehensive way.Thus, the iconmap-based visualization approach is shown to be a non-fused, exploratory analytical approach for multivariate data analysis and as a result is a valuable method for analyzing analyzing soil fertility conditions.
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这件事发生在1943年的湘西。进攻常德的日军一部分突破国军防线,直入武陵腹地。英勇的湘西人奋起抗战,创造了许多奇迹,马蜂蛊虫杀敌堪称奇中之奇。  有一种马蜂做窝七层,故名七楼蜂。这种马蜂毒性非常大,胜过蛇蝎,无论人兽,一旦被螫伤,必死无疑。  武陵山区,山高林密,是马蜂的主要出没之地,不知多少人畜死于马蜂毒箭之下。直到民国初年,才有人发现能够攻克马蜂之毒的草药。到抗战时期,仅一人掌握这种解毒神药,
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