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针对油气管理中的问题,结合全球化影响,我国的油气战略选择,需从多方面综合考虑国际油价去年7月曾创下每桶147.50美元峰值,但到12月滑落至每桶32.40美元。近期,国际油价则呈现出强劲上涨势头。6月5日,纽约商品交易所基准原油期货价格逼近每桶70美元。据预测,随着全球经济危机缓解以及能源需求量增加,石油价格将恢复上升趋势。石油市场是一个全球化的市场,其产品又具有很强的地缘政治成分,中国的能源战略与政策受到国际能源形势和经济全 In light of the problems in oil and gas management and the impact of globalization, China’s oil and gas strategic options need to be comprehensively considered from a number of perspectives. International oil prices hit a peak of $ 147.50 a barrel in July last year, but slipped to $ 32.40 a barrel in December. Recently, the international oil prices showed a strong upward trend. June 5, the New York Mercantile Exchange, benchmark crude oil futures prices approaching 70 US dollars a barrel. It is predicted that as the global economic crisis eases and energy demand increases, oil prices will resume their upward trend. The oil market is a global market, and its products have strong geopolitical components. China’s energy strategy and policies are challenged by the international energy situation and the economy
日前, nVIDIA公司宣布,nVIDIA GeForceFX GPU获得了著名的分析家选择奖—2002年“最佳图形处理器”,该奖项是由出版Micro-processor Report的Cahners In-Stat/MDR公司颁发的。
Sinopec Jiujiang Petrochemical Company Ltd.started construction of900 000 t/a gasoline hydrogenation project on May 25th.The project is scheduled for startup i
Sinopec Group recently signed an agreement with China National Cereals, Oils & Food-stuffs Corporation (COFCO) and Novozymes to develop bio-ethanol from agricu
【正】 Sinopec Group (China Petrochemical Corporation) said August 12thits wholly-owned subsidiary Sinopec International Petroleum Explo-ration and Production C
村里人都说桂花嫂变了,脾气温顺了,对老公公的态度好多了。  从前,人们经常听到桂花嫂的大吵大骂,也经常看见她把盆、碗摔到门外,这些时候往往还伴着她公公刘老爹痛苦的咳喘和长