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白鹤梁:“世界第一水文站”白鹤梁位于重庆市涪陵区城北江心处,因传说白鹤群聚梁上而得名。白鹤梁是一道天然石梁,长年沉没于江中,只有每年的冬春之交的低水位时,才有可能露出水面。唐广德元年(763年)前,长江水枯,时人在露出江面的石梁上镌刻了两尾石鱼,记录了当年最低水位线。 Baihe Liang: “World No.1 Hydrographic Station ” Baiheliang is located in the heart of the Chengbei Beijiang in Fuling District of Chongqing City, named for the legend of crane cluster beam. White crane beam is a natural stone beam, long years of sunk in the river, only the low water level at the turn of winter and spring each year, it is possible to reveal the water. Before the first year of Tang Guangde (763 years), the Yangtze River was watered down. Two people were engraved on the stone beam exposing the river, recording the lowest water line of the year.
采用分光光度学理论,建立快速、精确测定甲醛的流动注射反相分光光度比色法.该方法是在过量铵盐存在下,甲醛与乙酰丙酮生成黄色化合物,于414 nm波长处进行流动注射分光光度测
引入了一种在线电解修整金属基超硬磨料砂轮精密镜面磨削新技术 ,对钢结硬质合金进行了精密镜面磨削 ,得到了粗糙度为 0 .0 0 3μm~ 0 .0 1 1μm的镜面 ,一次磨削成形 ,效率高
We describe a technique for interactively rendering diffuse scenes with near-field area lighting by introducing a new light type called VAL(Virtual area light). The VALs are generated via the subdivis
A novel object-based framework is proposed for HSI compression, where targets of interest are extracted and separately coded. With objects removed,the holes are filled with the background average to f