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  Jameer Nelson became the latest victim of the NBA’s anti-testicles stance this week after breaking out the Cassell in celebration of a game-tying 3-pointer in the waning seconds of the fourth quarter during Wednesday’s wild Chicago-Orlando game. Wednesdays are always crowded with games, and they carry the potential for absolute NBA madness. This Wednesday featured the Bulls-Magic triple-overtime thriller; Nick Young throwing punches at multiple Suns; Mark Cuban cursing out officials on live television after an insane Clippers comeback/Dallas collapse; an inexplicable Heat blowout loss in Washington; Greg Oden’s feel-good comeback; and close games all over the place. Going to an NBA game on a Wednesday night is stressful; you never know what you’re going to miss on television.
  But Wednesdays are also exhilarating when things break right, as they did that night. The league felt just a bit … out of control. A little more edgy, a little less sterile. Televised sports are so manufactured, manicured down to a second-by-second level, that any accidental break from protocol feels like a victory over Big Brother③ in some small way.
  The Big Balls dance taps into that. I completely get why the league fines players for it, and its stance has been pretty
  consistent for the last decade or so. “It’s an obscene and inappropriate gesture,” a league spokesman told Grantland this week.“There are better ways to celebrate.” Indeed, the league looks past lots of other celebrations that do not involve the mimicked grasping of grapefruit-sized balls — Antoine Walker’s wiggle-jiggle, the Knicks tapping three fingers against their heads upon made 3-pointers, Blake Griffin’s stone-faced post-dunk stares, the jersey pop, and all sorts of jigs and dances and jumps for joy.
  And Big Balls doesn’t even garner the most serious fines. The Big Balls generally gets you $15,000. That was the penalty in the last six months or so for several Big Ball enthusiasts — Nelson, Marco Belinelli, Andray Blatche, and Caron Butler. (Credit to Blatche for being the only guy among this group fined for doing the dance while on the freaking bench, and in celebration of a teammate’s shot. Creative and Blatche-y!)   “巨蛋”舞甚至不会引来最重的罚款,跳一次“巨蛋”舞大约会带来15000美元的罚款。对于几个“巨蛋”舞狂热爱好者来说,这就是他们过去六个月总共的损失,比如尼尔森、马科·贝里奈利、安德烈·布拉齐和卡隆·巴特勒。(必须要赞一下布拉齐,他是这些人中唯一一个因为在板凳席上跳舞而被罚款的人,他只是为了庆祝队友的进球。无限创意布拉齐啊!)
  More obviously obscene gestures get stiffer fines. The NBA docked Kevin Durant$25,000 for making a “menacing” throatslashing gesture after a clutch bucket last season, and the middle finger will generally cost you $25,000 — even if you’re trying to hide the bird as part of a face-scratching session(Reggie Evans), or even by sucking blood off of it (Glen Davis, of course). Paul Pierce’s alleged gang-sign hand gesture during a 2008 playoff game got him $25,000, and the good old Jail Blazers④ outdid the league by straightup suspending Zach Randolph after Z-Bo flipped off fans in 2006.
  A couple of Big Ball aficionados (Eddie House, Josh Smith) earned the larger $25,000 fine for reasons that are unclear, though in House’s case, the league appears to have come down more harshly because he Balled Out in consecutive games. I mean, come on, Eddie. You don’t want to cheapen the thing by overdoing it.

  The league would probably justify the fine discrepancy by arguing that everyone understands the lewdness of the middle finger and the violence underlying the throat-slashing thing. Those are universal symbols. Perhaps there are fans who would see the Cassell dance and not immediately understand what was going on.
  But something else bugs me a little about this: The Big Balls fine is in line with fines the league doles out for some instances of fighting and/or dangerous flagrant fouls, and larger than what any player has lost for flopping. A player has to reach his fourth flopping violation before facing a $15,000 fine under the league’s flopping regulations, now in their second season. The first offense is a warning, the second gets you a $5,000 fine, and the third carries a $10,000 penalty. No player has even reached the $10,000 fine yet. Not even James Harden or J.J. Barea!   但这事还有些小问题困扰着我:联盟对“巨蛋”舞的处罚标准等同于斗殴和一些恶意犯规,并且高于假摔的处罚。根据联盟已经实行到第二年的假摔规则,一名球员只有第四次违反假摔规则了才会收到15000美元的处罚。第一次违反假摔规则的只会收到警告,第二次会收到5000美元处罚,第三次则是10000美元。甚至还没有球员达到10000美元这个标准,甚至连詹姆斯·哈登和JJ·巴里亚都没有!
  This feeds into the belief, not uncommon around the league, that the NBA cares more about public perception than about substantive issues affecting the game. I don’t personally believe that criticism is fair. There are loads of people at the league office who care deeply about the nitty-gritty stuff that affects game play— rules changes, length of games, the quality of officiating, flopping, and the overall aesthetics of the game experience. Adam Silver, the soon-to-be-commissioner, is one of them. But there exists the notion that the NBA only pipes up about these things when people like Jeff Van Gundy complain about them, or when a game-deciding call is so egregiously bad (OH ED MALLOY!!!!!) that it becomes a story large enough the NBA must issue an apology. The league emphasizes delay-of-game rules and illegal screens right up until it doesn’t anymore— or so goes the line of thought. And there is probably some truth to that.
  But the league has an interest in preventing the NBA from becoming some foulmouthed, taunt-heavy, WWE-style universe. That would get tiresome and dilute the quality of the product. Surface perception, as shallow as it might seem, matters to any business. That’s why every corporation has a PR department. The league says it gets complaints about the Cassell thing, and that kind of fan reaction matters. Any business would take that kind of thing into account. There is a legitimate slippery slope argument here: If the NBA lets the Big Ball practitioners skate, what other celebrations might spread around the NBA? Would players start mooning opposing benches? The league has actually drawn a line, albeit a blurry one, in allowing harmless celebrations and punishing those carrying just about any unpleasant gesture.
  不过联盟也想避免让NBA变成到处口水战、恶俗玩笑横行的像WWE摔跤联盟的联赛。这会让比赛变得无趣,降低联盟输出产品的质量。表面现象尽管很肤浅,但对任何商业行为都是非常重要的。这也是每一家公司都有公关部门的原因。联盟表示,他们接到了针对卡塞尔动作的抱怨申诉,而球迷的这种反应相当重要。任何一个公司都会关注这种反应。在这个问题上存在合理的担忧:如果NBA允许做出“巨蛋”舞动作的人逃过惩罚,那么联盟又会出现什么样的动作?球员会不会朝对方板凳席露屁股示威?联盟其实是在划出界限,尽管这条界限并不清晰,但它允许无害的庆祝动作,而且制止那些包含令人不快的手势出现。   Who are these people complaining, and how do they do it? Do they tweet at the NBA’s official account? Do they dig up Rod Thorn’s email address, sit down, and compose an email with the subject line “Balls”? Or are they like Greenberg, that Ben Stiller character, writing hand-written complaint notes they send via the actual postal service?
  Anyway: There is something off, to me at least, in penalizing a feel-good dance more harshly than an act — flopping — that has a direct impact on game play. There are important distinctions between the two, of course. Flopping happens organically, in a spurof-the-moment sense, and often as the result of real contact within the flow of the game. The Big Balls thing happens outside the game flow, and though it is in some cases an in-themoment bout of exuberance, there is some premeditated individual showiness to it. A player could plausibly argue a flop was at least somewhat accidental. “I slipped, I swear!” You can’t argue some power possessed your body and instructed it to do the Big Balls dance— unless Sam Cassell is a deity with those kind of powers and we just don’t know it.
  But if you’re serious about eradicating the flop, if you think it is a stain on the game, then it should probably carry a steeper penalty than a stupid dance. And that, to me, is the difference between the Cassell and all the other fined gestures — flipping off the fans, the throat-slash, etc. The Cassell is jubilant, and happy, and not really directed at anyone in particular. It is a celebration, well-earned. It is non-threatening, and most of all, a ton of freaking fun. And sports are fun! It’s just a synonym for “I have huge guts,” after all. Maybe players should just grab their stomachs and shake them?
  Update: “It is done in fun,” says Ron Klempner, acting executive director of the National Basketball Players Association told me. “Some may view it in bad taste, or misinterpret it, but I think this kind of discipline is disproportionate.” The union has appealed Cassell-related fines in the past, Klempner says.   更新:“这本来就是因为开心而做的。”球员工会执行主席罗恩·克莱普纳告诉我,“有些人可能觉得没品位,或者误解这个动作,但我觉得这种处罚太过了、”克莱普纳说,工会过去曾经就“巨蛋”舞的处罚做出过上诉。
  I’m open to the possibility that I’m wrong on this — that there is a silent majority of fans who find this behavior abhorrent and gross, and feel like tuning out of the NBA for a bit when they see it. Maybe they don’t want their kids seeing a grown man cup a pair of grapefruits. Maybe kids, and maybe especially little girls, shouldn’t see a grown man cup a pair of grapefruits. Maybe parents shouldn’t have to answer awkward questions about what that player just did. But penalizing the Cassell seems a little bit like over-policing, carrying the same whiff of paternalism as the dress code and other such regulations.
  But that’s just me. What do you think?
数年前,如果拿起字典,查看“peripatetic”(走来走去的人)和“wanderlust”(漫游),你也许会在释义下面看到这么一行字“请参阅:拉里·布朗。”  就像他如今在南卫理公会大学(SMU)教授的动态进攻一样,拉里·布朗自己也是一个“动态”的人。  1988年,布朗就已经在卡罗莱纳美洲狮,丹佛掘金,UCLA,新泽西篮网和堪萨斯大学担任过主教练。  为什么他的到来和离开会如此频繁?  这个
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Steve Kerr was roaming Oklahoma City on Tuesday, near the midpoint of the U.S. map—a fitting position for the man who just became the center of the NBA’s 2014 coaching pageant.  周二,史蒂夫·科尔漫步在俄克拉荷马城,这里几
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火箭对阵步行者的比赛,时间还剩一分钟,火箭手握着即便不算稳操胜券,但也可以让人无需慌乱的7分领先优势,此时詹姆斯·哈登拿到了球。步行者后卫乔治·希尔独自在弧顶防守哈登,这意味着哈登的表演时候到了。只见25岁的他运球猛地向左突破,而后忽地转身冲向油漆区,希尔此时依然紧紧跟着他,这时哈登迅速后撤步,跳到半空中扔出一记后仰跳投,得到了自己全场的第41分,也让火箭以9分的领先优势锁定胜局。  那一回合是本
交织着引擎轰鸣和篮球赛场声的独特混音震动着耳膜,青春洋溢的篮球宝贝用热力舞蹈点燃全场的热情——在充满想象力的北京壹空间里,嘉实多磁护以“先声夺人——未启动 先保护”为名,召开了一场以“声音”和“保护”贯穿始终的新闻发布会,正式宣告成为NBA中国市场的官方合作伙伴。这是继世界杯赞助之后嘉实多作出的又一项跨界体育的重大举措,各项相关的市场推广活动也将在接下去几个月中全面启动。  本次发布会由著名篮球解
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