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  Steve Kerr was roaming Oklahoma City on Tuesday, near the midpoint of the U.S. map—a fitting position for the man who just became the center of the NBA’s 2014 coaching pageant.
  Thirteen hundred miles to the northeast, Phil Jackson was lobbying Kerr to coach the New York Knicks. Thirteen hundred miles to the west, the Golden State Warriors were quickly assembling a candidate list, with Kerr’s name near the top.
  Other teams are making inquiries, making Kerr the most popular target of the offseason, the first domino in the hiring cycle. To borrow a phrase from George Costanza①, it’s looking like the Spring of Steve.
  We should mention here that Kerr, a color commentator for TNT, has never coached at any level.
  We should mention, too, that no one seems altogether concerned about that.
  That itself is a noteworthy development in NBA coach-hiring annals.
  Last summer, the Brooklyn Nets were second-, third- and fourth-guessed for choosing Jason Kidd as their head coach, just weeks after he retired as a player.
  Three years ago, the Warriors raised eyebrows by plucking Jackson—with zero bench experience of any kind—from his comfy seat in the commentator booth.
  Fourteen years ago, it was Doc Rivers, jumping from TV analyst to Orlando Magic head coach, who raised the doubts and concerns.
  But Kerr? The discussion is focused solely on where he will coach, not whether he can.(Kerr, who was in Oklahoma City to call the Thunder-Clippers series, declined to comment for this story.)
  There are a lot of factors in play here—including a universal high regard for Kerr in NBA circles—but the most significant might be this: Experience is no longer considered an absolute prerequisite.
  The emerging new view: Find a strong leader with high basketball intelligence and great communication skills, and they will find a way. That model also applies to the Celtics’ bold decision last year to hire Butler’s Brad Stevens, who did have head coaching experience, but none at the NBA level.   联盟当下正在成为主流的新观点是:找一个篮球智商高、并且有超强沟通能力的领袖,他自然会找到办法。这一模式同样适用于去年凯尔特人聘请巴特勒大学的布拉德·史蒂芬斯,史蒂芬斯确实有执教经验,但他却没有执教过NBA球队。
  "I think it allows people to look a little broader than they once did," Nets general manager Billy King said. He nevertheless cautioned, "I think each situation is different.”
  Still, the fact that Kerr has become this year’s hottest candidate speaks to how quickly things have changed.
  Credit Kidd, Rivers, Mark Jackson and Larry Bird for nudging along that evolution of thought.
  Bird guided the Indiana Pacers to the Finals in 2000, just three years after becoming head coach with no prior experience.
  That same season, Rivers went from heavily scrutinized rookie coach to Coach of the Year for coaxing a .500 record out of a thoroughly anonymous Magic team. Eight years later, Rivers took the Boston Celtics to the championship, cementing his place among the NBA’s elite.
  Kidd looked overmatched in the fall, but he recovered quickly, earned two Coach of the Month awards and now has the Nets in the second round of the playoffs.
  And Jackson? Well, he was fired Tuesday—apparently for alienating the entire Golden State front office—but he did mold the Warriors into an elite defensive team and preside over their best season in 20 years.
  You can fault Jackson for his uninspired playbook. You can make the case that he still has much to learn, as any young coach does. But Jackson has proven himself a capable bench leader, and he probably won’t be unemployed for long.

  That the Warriors would pursue Kerr, whose resume today is nearly identical to Jackson’s in 2011 (player-turned-commentator, no coaching experience) underlines how quickly things have changed.
  Then again, some of the Kerr phenomenon is attributable solely to Kerr. He has been analyzing the game on TV for eight of the last 11 years, so his aptitude, insight and sharp mind have been on display for some time. He is immensely personable and well networked among team executives, coaches and players.   需要强调的一点是,科尔现象有一部分还是要归功于科尔本人的。过去11年,他有8年在电视台做比赛解说,所以他的才能,他对比赛的深刻见解和敏锐的思维已经在公众面前展示了一段时间。他非常受人喜欢,在球队管理层、教练和球员之间也有着极好的人缘。
  Kerr also spent three seasons as general manager of the Phoenix Suns, so he is well versed in team operations. His championship experience as a player—three rings with the Chicago Bulls, two with the San Antonio Spurs—only enhances Kerr’s standing as a winner. He has learned from two of the greatest coaches of all time, Phil Jackson and Gregg Popovich.
  So while Kerr is unproven, few doubt that he has the right makeup for the job.
  The most difficult decision here is the one Kerr will make. Although multiple teams have reached out to Kerr, NBA sources say he is focused strictly on the Warriors and the Knicks, each with a unique set of pros and cons.
  The allure of working for Phil Jackson, Kerr’s longtime friend and mentor, is strong, according to associates of both men. Kerr knows he has much to learn, and having Jackson nearby would be a huge comfort. The New York stage is always a draw.
  But if Kerr wants to contend immediately, the Warriors offer a much better opportunity—a roster that just won 51 games, and a backcourt tandem (Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson) that ranks among the NBA’s best. The Warriors are young, talented and brimming with potential.
  The Knicks’ rotation is aging, flawed and locked in place for another year. They will have cap room in 2015, but their franchise star, Carmelo Anthony, could leave as a free agent this summer. (Kerr has never been a big fan of Anthony’s game, in any case.) The specter of James Dolan, the meddling, ham-handed Knicks owner, always looms as a concern.
  Then again, the Eastern Conference is so weak that the Knicks could jump back into playoff contention with just a few tweaks. The West, by contrast, is stacked with great teams, and the Warriors’ expectations are so high that they just fired a coach who won 98 games the last two years.   但是,东部联盟实在太弱,尼克斯只需要一些小改动就能重回季后赛。相比之下,西部却是强队云集。勇士的期望值也非常高,他们刚刚炒掉了一个在过去两个赛季总共为球队赢下了98场胜利的教练。

  There are personal considerations in play, as well. All three of Kerr’s children are in California—a daughter attending Cal and two sons in San Diego (one in high school, one in college), where the family lives. When Kerr left the Suns in 2010, it was largely because he felt he was missing too much time with his family.
  With two kids in college, Kerr has said he is now ready to return to the NBA grind. But he strongly prefers to stay close to home, according to sources.
  Wherever he ends up, Kerr will present the next fascinating case study, the next test of how much experience matters on the bench. Twelve years ago, George Karl, then coaching the Milwaukee Bucks, bemoaned the quick elevation of Rivers and made the case that coaches are better off working their way up, after spending time as an assistant. It is a belief still held by most in the coaching profession.
  "Steve Kerr, I think, is a very good basketball guy," Karl, who is now working as an ESPN commentator, said in a telephone interview.
  "Very good. Very talented brain. Very good instincts. A championship pedigree. But every young player, and I really feel every young coach, has a growing-up period. Some guys will do it in a year. Some guys will take two.”
  Karl added, "I think Steve knows enough about an 82-game season that he understands it. But living it is totally different than understanding it. And New York, the heat in the kitchen is way higher.”
  Everyone in the NBA who knows Kerr—which is to say, most of the NBA—views him as engaging, intelligent, affable and a skilled communicator. As a TV analyst, he ranks among the best.
  A great coach? We don’t know yet. Kerr doesn’t know yet. But we’re going to find out pretty soon.
今天是一个非比赛日,匹克签约球星托尼·帕克随马刺来到纽约和篮网比赛。对于队中一些喜好文化的人而言,这绝对是参观博物馆的好时机。另一些人会选择去探望在纽约居住的亲人,而格雷格·波波维奇会在这一天光顾红酒商店。而对帕克而言,来到了纽约就意味一件事情:生意。  此时,我和其他几位媒体记者一起相聚在纽约的标准饭店,倾听托尼讲述他和某眼镜商家的合作故事。在这之后,他还要出席某手表品牌的商业活动。在繁忙的商业
20年前,NBA在美国国界以北开疆拓土,拥有了几支外籍的新球队:多伦多猛龙和温哥华灰熊。  猛龙球员身穿紫色“班尼龙”球衣,乐透新秀达蒙·斯塔德迈尔就是这里的核心。最终,这支联盟新军在自己的菜鸟赛季只取得了21胜61负的战绩,惨淡收场。不过他们也有“震惊世界”的时刻,在公牛打出72胜10负的历史性赛季中,一场就是以108比109不敌猛龙。六年后,灰熊搬去了孟菲斯,而猛龙,除了为文斯·卡特,特雷西·
康涅狄格州的斯托斯,寒冷的天气无法阻止10167名学生、校友和当地球迷蜂拥至Harry A. Gampel Pavilion球馆,观看康涅狄格大学女篮迎战南卡罗莱纳大学,对阵双方是排名全国第一的斗鸡队和第二的哈士奇队——外界期待这场NCAA实力最强劲的两队间的比赛,会成为一场难解难分的巅峰对决。  不管怎样,赛前的氛围是配得上这场比赛的噱头的。 ESPN2台的摄像机到处都是,而ESPN的记者多丽丝
一场典型且漫长的赛后加练终于告一段落,德克·诺维斯基像往常一样最后一个走出淋浴间,无意间听见了队友泰森·钱德勒在同记者讲述臀部疼痛对自己造成的诸般困扰。  “我和他说,你现在总算知道不能跳,无法横向移动的人打比赛是什么感觉了吧?”诺维斯基自嘲地打断了钱德勒和记者的对话,玩笑归玩笑,这话却也道出了几分事实。  “欢迎来到我的世界,横向移动?见鬼去吧,垂直弹跳?那是什么?在我的世界里这些都没有!”诺维
格伦·戴维斯  1986年1月1日/2.06米/131公斤/PF-C/洛杉矶快船  在一个全是盖帽手、进攻发动机和得分机器的球队,格伦·戴维斯所代表的是快船独一无二的存在:润滑剂。  “我就是那个愿意做别人都不愿意做的事的家伙。”戴维斯换了一种方式来形容自己,“也就是所谓的蓝领,或者说看门人。”  我们总会选择性遗忘,但曾经有过一段时间,也就是1985年到2010年,快船只打进过四次季后赛。不过现
戈登·海沃德布朗兹堡儿时的床上布满了有关步行者的东西,这无不昭示着他每晚都在做的篮球梦。然而,14岁时,海沃德的篮球生涯差一点还没开始就结束了。当时,作为一个身高1.78米、体重57公斤的体育新人,相比于跳投和抢篮板,他的体型适合于网球的正手击球和发球。在知道自己在网球上机会更多时,他准备放弃篮球。这时,海沃德的母亲站了出来。  “母亲让我坚持打篮球,”海沃德说,“篮球一直以来都是我的初恋,之后,
数年前,如果拿起字典,查看“peripatetic”(走来走去的人)和“wanderlust”(漫游),你也许会在释义下面看到这么一行字“请参阅:拉里·布朗。”  就像他如今在南卫理公会大学(SMU)教授的动态进攻一样,拉里·布朗自己也是一个“动态”的人。  1988年,布朗就已经在卡罗莱纳美洲狮,丹佛掘金,UCLA,新泽西篮网和堪萨斯大学担任过主教练。  为什么他的到来和离开会如此频繁?  这个
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