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一块地,永远不会闲着。你种它,它就长庄稼。你不种它,它除了庄稼什么都长。那时这块地就是庄稼地。春夏长小麦,小麦收割前套种玉米,或者麦收后种大豆、高粱。田头地垄还有倭瓜、丝瓜、绿豆、红豆和芝麻,秋后再播上小麦,等待来年。一年四季,这块地都很忙。冬天很静。地也很静。有风,有雪。有觅食的麻雀惊慌失措。麦子很有耐心地等待春暖。除 A piece of land, never idle. When you plant it, it grows crops. You do not plant it, it grows long except for crops. At that time this land is the land of crops. Spring and summer long wheat, wheat before intercropping corn, or wheat harvest after planting soybean, sorghum. There are fields ridge Ridge pumpkin, loofah, mung beans, red beans and sesame seeds, autumn sowing wheat, waiting for the coming year. All year round, this area is very busy. Winter is very quiet Very quiet place. Windy, snowy. Foraging sparrow panicked. The wheat is waiting patiently for the warmth. except
用磁控溅射法制备了GdFeCo/AlN/TbFeCo静磁耦合多层薄膜。振动样品磁强计和克尔磁滞回线测试装置的测试结果表明 :2 5℃不加外磁场时GdFeCo/AlN/TbFeCo静磁耦合多层薄膜读出
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同学们一定知道猫捉老鼠,天经地义吧!那你们听说过狗也会捉老鼠吃吗?有的同学可能会说,有一句话叫作“狗拿耗子——多管闲 Students must know cat and mouse, it is justif
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中国钢铁工业协会钢铁工业信息及自动化推进中心年会于 2 0 0 3年 1月 4~ 6日在武汉举行。出席会议的有中国科学技术部副部长马颂德 ,原冶金工业部副部长、现中国钢铁工业协会
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