
来源 :广东茶叶科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asd010asd
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中国茶叶学会、农牧渔业部、商业部、外贸部于1986年7月份在广西南宁联合召开“发展优质出口红碎茶研讨会”。会上传达了国务院(86)38号批转中央三部“关于建立出口农副产品生产体系”的报告。要求1990年全国茶叶总产量达到60~65万吨,出口红绿茶25万吨;其中优质红碎茶13万吨,占出口量的52%。并把广东省列为发展优质出口红碎茶的重点省。今就如何提高红碎茶 China Tea Association, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Trade in July 1986 in Nanning, Guangxi jointly held the “development of high quality export broken broken tea seminar.” At the meeting, the State Council (86) No. 38 approved the transfer of the Central Committee “on the establishment of export agricultural production system,” the report. The total output of tea in 1990 was required to reach 600,000 to 650,000 tons and to export 250,000 tons of red and green tea, of which 130,000 tons were fine red broken tea, accounting for 52% of the total. And Guangdong Province as a high-quality export development of broken tea key provinces. Now how to improve broken tea
□人文学科世纪回顾与展望漫谈伦理道德季羡林 ( 1)……………………………………………现代语境中的大学精神及其悖论何中华 ( 1)………………………现代中国文学制导性传统
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