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目的 利用截瘫平面以上的腹壁反射通路建立SD大鼠的人工膀胱反射弧 ,以恢复脊髓损伤 (SCI)后可控制性膀胱排尿功能。它包含了一个皮肤反射弧 (下腹壁反射弧 ) ,并将皮肤反射的运动冲动传入膀胱 ,引起膀胱的自主性收缩。 方法 将SD大鼠右侧T13 前根近端与右侧S2 前根远端通过一段自体移植神经在硬膜囊内行显微缝合 ,保持T13 后根完整 ,经一段时间轴突再生后 ,建立“腹壁反射 脊髓中枢 膀胱”这一新的人工膀胱反射弧。通过刺激右侧下腹壁反射激发截瘫动物排尿。神经缝合术后 8个月 ,在破坏L5~S4脊髓节段前后 ,分别进行神经电生理、膀胱测压和神经药理学实验等远期功能观察。 结果 在破坏L5~S4脊髓节段造成截瘫前后 ,单相方波 (3mA ,0 3ms)刺激实验测T13 后根 ,12只SD大鼠的实验侧膀胱神经丛可记录到动作电位 ,其形态和波幅与对照组相似 ;串刺激 (3mA ,2 0Hz ,5s)实验侧T13 后根 ,经新建的膀胱人工反射弧引出膀胱平均内压达对照侧的 76% ,膀胱平滑肌复合肌肉动作电位平均最大波幅达对照侧 81% ,波形与对照组相似。在膀胱平滑肌内注射阿托品 (0 0 5mg/kg)或三甲噻酚 (5mg/kg)可抑制通过该人工反射弧激发的膀胱平滑肌收缩功能 ,而膀胱平滑肌内注射维库溴铵 (4mg/kg)对膀胱平滑肌收缩功能无影响。? Objective To establish an artificial bladder reflex arc of SD rats by using the abdominal reflex path above the plane of paraplegia so as to restore the controllable urinary bladder function after spinal cord injury (SCI). It contains a skin reflex arc (lower abdomen reflex arc), and the movement of the skin reflects the impulse into the bladder, causing the voluntary contraction of the bladder. Methods The proximal right T13 anterior root and right anterior root S2 of SD rats were sutured slightly by dural autograft in the dural sac to maintain the integrity of T13 posterior roots. After a period of axon regeneration, Abdominal wall reflex spinal cord central bladder "This new artificial bladder reflex arc. Paralysis of animals was stimulated to urinate by stimulating the right lower abdominal wall. Eight months after the nerve suture, long-term functional observation such as neuroelectrophysiology, bladder manometry and neuropsychological tests were performed before and after destroying the spinal cord segments of L5 to S4. Results Before and after paraplegia caused by the destruction of the spinal cord segments from L5 to S4, the posterior root of T13 and the experimental side of the bladder plexus of 12 SD rats were measured by single phase square wave (3mA, 0 3ms) (3mA, 20Hz, 5s) experimental side of the T13 posterior root, the bladder artificial reflection arc induced bladder average internal pressure of 76% of the control side, the average muscle smooth muscle smooth muscle action potential average maximum amplitude 81% of the control side, the waveform similar to the control group. Intravesical instillation of atropine (0.05 mg / kg) or trimethophenol (5 mg / kg) suppressed bladder smooth muscle contractile function stimulated by the artificial reflex arc while intravesical instillation of vecuronium (4 mg / kg) No effect on contractile function of bladder smooth muscle. ?
目的 探讨尿道下裂术后尿道裂开的原因和处理方法。 方法 根据尿道外口位置和局部皮肤发育情况分别采用包皮岛状皮瓣、阴囊中隔皮瓣及膀胱粘膜行尿道重建术处理尿道下裂术
PPARs可分为 α、 β/δ和 γ三种异构体 ,它们均可在不同种族动物和人类肾组织中表达 ,并在肾脏的生理和病理生理过程中发挥重要作用。其中PPAR γ的抗炎症和抗高血压作用 ,
目的 观察芪归合剂对地塞米松治疗的肾病综合征大鼠(NS鼠)生长障碍的作用及其可能的机制。方法 制备大鼠阿霉素NS模型,设正常对照组、NS模型组、芪归治疗组、激素治疗组和激
为了观察大鼠逼尿肌不稳定的超微结构改变 ,探讨逼尿肌不稳定的发生机制 ,建立Wistar大鼠不稳定膀胱膜型 ,行充盈性膀胱测压 ,根据测压结果分为逼尿肌稳定组(DS)和逼尿肌不稳
目的 :观察连续性肾脏替代治疗对肾衰竭顽固性心衰的疗效。方法 :随机把 2 6例肾衰竭顽固性心衰患者分为连续性肾脏替代治疗 (CRRT)组和间歇性血液透析 (IHD)组 ,观察两组的
急慢性肾衰少尿、无尿期的药物治疗是内科临床的一大难题 ,现将我们采用多巴胺、高渗糖加利尿剂联合治疗肾衰少尿情况 ,总结报告如下。1 临床资料本组急、慢性肾功不全患者
3月6日上午,中国铁路物资股份有限公司与纳米比亚国家铁路控股有限公司在北京签订战略合作框架协议。中国铁物董事长、党委书记宋玉芳与纳铁董事长Festus LAMECK出席签字仪式