本刊发行势头良好 各地征订紧锣密鼓

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peixiaohe
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自9月下旬本刊在广东召开2000年度《农业发展与金融》杂志征订发行会后,各地落实迅速,措施得力,征订发行势头良好一、分行党委重视,亲自听取汇报湖南省分行通联站会后及时向党委汇报并取得极大支持,迅速转发总行征订通知,召开全省、地(市)、县级分支行办公室主任会议,研究分解落实杂志社下达的征订任务。广东省分行党委重视,分管行长亲自过问征订进度,督促检查落实情况。陕西省分行采取层层落实统一汇总上报,确保款项和发行单据准确无误。吉林省分行党委书记和主管行长亲自听取汇报,指示要把《农业发展与金融》杂志作为全省干部职工的必备学习教材,确定专人负责,积极组织征订工 Since late September, the magazine held the issue of the 2000 Agricultural Development and Finance magazine in Guangdong, the implementation of the magazine has been quick and well implemented. The subscription and issuance momentum is very good. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the report and personally reports to Hunan Provincial Branch Promptly reported to the party committee and achieved great support, promptly transmitted notice of the head office subscription, held the provincial, prefectural (city), county branch office director meeting to study the implementation of the magazine issued by the decomposition of the fulfillment of the mandate. Party branch of Guangdong Province attached great importance to the governor in charge of the progress of the subscription, supervise and prosecute the implementation of the situation. Shaanxi Provincial branches to take a unified implementation of layers of summary reporting, to ensure that payment and issuance of documents accurate. Party branch secretary and chief governor of Jilin branch listened to the report personally and instructed that “agricultural development and finance” magazine should be taken as essential learning materials for cadres and workers in the whole province, to ensure that special personnel are responsible for the work,
第30届国际生理科学大会(30th International Congress of Physiological Science)于1986年7月12—19日在加拿大温哥华市举行。来自各国的代表约有3600余名。我院派出生理学
1985年3月31日——4月3日美国癌瘤学会在加州圣迭戈召开了第27届科学作家讨论会本刊从其报告中选择三篇发表,以供读者参考。 March 31, 1985 - April 3 American Cancer Soc
近年有人发现:非甲非乙型肝炎(NANBH)在传递到人和黑猩猩时确有传染性的血清和血浆制品中,有逆转录酶(RT)活性相关颗粒,有力地提示NANBH的病原体 In recent years, it has
本文对冷加工成形的薄壁圆筒体进行了详细的预应力分析。对GB150—89《钢制压力容器》中消除预应力的有关规定进行了探讨。 In this paper, a detailed prestress analysis of cold