Investigating L2 Request Strategies: A Case Study of Chinese English teachers' L2 Pragmatic Com

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Empirical descriptions of how the teacher performs requests in English can make them realize the importance of improving pragmatic competence, so that they could help students develop more native-like pragmatic behaviors and enhance cultural competence. This case study is to explore the pragmatic competence of a Chinese EFL teacher by investigating the patterns of realization strategies and the ways of reacting to the different social and contextual variables in her requests. It was found out that the teacher investigated in the study had good pragmatic awareness and pragmatic competence to produce the speech act of requests and develop students’ pragmatic competence, but more explicit instructions should be provided to help students develop more native-like speech acts by providing more explicit instructions. Empirical descriptions of how the teacher to perform in English can make them realize the importance of improving pragmatic competence, so that they could help students develop more native-like pragmatic behaviors and enhance cultural competence. This case study is to explore the pragmatic competence of a Chinese EFL teacher by investigating the patterns of realize strategies and the ways of reacting to the different social and contextual variables in her requests. It was found out that the teacher investigated in the study had good pragmatic awareness and pragmatic competence produce the speech act of requests and develop students’ pragmatic competence, but more explicit instructions should be provided to help students develop more native-like speech acts by providing more explicit instructions.
每 到大年三十,我和爱人只要是不回双方 父母家过年,我都会给老家乡下母亲打个问候电话,给异地城里的丈母娘发个大红包。  可今年却在发红包环节上出了差错。  直到红包里的钱返回到我的卡里时,我才发现我把发给丈母娘的红包错发给了老家乡下母亲的手机里。  于是,我赶紧补了一个红包发给丈母娘,并按惯例填上总金额,留言:妈,春节快乐!  不到一刻钟,红包被接收。收到回复:谢谢姑爷!  静下来想想,母亲虽然开
他 们皮肤沟壑中的尘土永远无法被城市 的风雨完全清理干净。他们始终无法像理解土地一样理解脚下的钢筋水泥,更不能低下灵魂的头颅去仰视那绵延的楼群。  唯有土地,才是他们生命的底色。  我驻足于这片土地边,看着他们卖力地耕作,如是想着。  一块拆迁后尚未动工的建筑用地,看似弃置,实则每一寸都悄无声息地各得其所。一群因拆迁而从农村搬入城市边缘的安置房的人们,看似与城市格格不入,实则充实而又自足地延续着未
一节旧时光  斑驳了儿时的梦想  每剥一层,都有撕裂的感伤  一张老相片  冷淡了至亲的话语  每瞅一眼,都有酸楚的滑淌  偶尔造访的坟茔  总有一注清明的雨水垂立  不忍离去的,是阳光的霓裳  凝望浩瀚的星空  月亮已经深深地埋藏  徒留一朵思念,云儿般徜徉  抱怨四季的风  将你小鸟般吹过重洋  我的星尘哦,如今是否安康?  茫茫人海  谁又是谁的星尘  匆匆前行的脚步,释放不屈的担当  不妨
林业站有一位姑娘,  脸蛋儿黑里透红亮堂堂,  一枚永不褪色的枫叶,  别在粗布的衣襟上。  姑娘的家紧靠扬子江,  从小就爱大自然的风光,  后来她走进林业学院,  又来到腾格里风沙线上。  姑娘那珍珠般的歌声,  整日在防风林上空荡漾,  可是她每天一回到林业站,  就悄悄地溜进红柳滩上。  在那明净的蓄水池旁,  一排树苗长得又绿又壮,  这是她建立的培植试验场,  种子是家乡寄来的青杨。 
1971年1月10日,新中国一颗才华横溢的诗歌亮星陨落了。  是晚,闻捷“从容”吞吸煤气自杀。这里说的“从容”,是指他写就遗书,走进厨房,关上门,寂静中打开煤气开关,并且在身上罩了一条雪白的床单躺下,有“质本洁来还洁去”的意味。更值得一提的是,他怕煤气泄漏,不仅把通向女儿房间的门窗关好,还用纸条塞进缝隙封严。愈如此,更衬出了他的决绝。  这时的上海,正是寒冬。在闻捷前后,即以上海的文化名人而论,就