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从某种意义上说,一部浩如烟海的人类文明史即是一部由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的石文化史。人类从旧石器时代到新石器时代,经历了从打制石器到磨制石器的漫长进化过程,从岩洞穴居到建造摩天大厦、从墓葬中的粗糙饰物到后世的精美石雕工艺品……随着历史从蛮荒时代逐步走向现代文明,人类与石头结下了不解之缘。原始社会末期,石器渐渐被青铜器或铁器所取代,直至消失殆尽,此后却有一种石材以其独特的历史背景和文化根源在众多石材中脱颖而出,在极短的时间内身价飞升,这种石材就是印石。印石——一种承载着厚重的历史沿革和人文价值的软质石材,在悠久的石文化史上,堪称一代新贵。它的渊源究竟从何说起?它的身价为何今非昔比?本文基于大量的史料研究和实地考证,通过在石文化史、印章发展史、印学理论和篆刻艺术等领域里的深入探索和透彻哲辩,从浅入深,由点及面,平实详尽地阐释了印石由平民化到贵族化的历史演进过程。 In a sense, a vast history of human civilization is a simple to complex, from low to high stone culture history. From the Paleolithic to the Neolithic, mankind has undergone a long evolutionary process from carving stone to grinding stone, from caves to building skyscrapers, from coarse ornaments in tombs to later stone carvings ... As history From the wild era gradually toward the modern civilization, mankind and stone formed a bond. At the end of the Primitive Society, the stone was gradually replaced by bronze or iron until it vanished. Since then, there has been a stone that stands out in many stone with its unique historical background and cultural roots. It is worth the price rise in a very short period of time. Is the stone. Indian stone - a kind of soft stone carrying a heavy historical evolution and humanistic value, in the long history of stone culture, called a generation of upstart. Based on a large number of historical research and field research, this article through in-depth exploration in the history of stone culture, seal development history, typography theory and carving art and other fields And thoroughly philosophical, from the shallower to the deeper, from the point and surface, plain and detailed explanation of the stone from the civilized to aristocratic historical evolution.
罗马尼亚Pehart Tec集团的Metalicplas公司从意大利亚赛利公司订购了一台产能3.4万t/a(110t/d)的高速卫生纸机,该纸机计划于2015年底投产。
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