Assessment of heavy metals in sediment cores from Xiangjiang River,Chang-Zhu-Tan region,Hunan Provin

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LKYWGF
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Samples were collected from two core sediments(C1 and C2) of Xiangjiang River,Chang-Zhu-Tan region,Hunan Province,China.The heavy metal contents are relatively higher,especially for the surface or near the surface layers.The calculated anthropogenic factor values indicate that all the heavy metals except for Cr in the core samples are enriched,especially for Cd,with the maximum enriching coefficients of 119.44,and 84.67 in C1 and C2,respectively.The correlation of heavy metals with sulphur indicates that they are precipitated as metal sulphides.Correlation matrix shows significant association between heavy metals and mud.Factor analysis identifies that signified anthropogenic activities affect the region of Xiangjiang River. Samples were collected from two core sediments (C1 and C2) of Xiangjiang River, Chang-Zhu-Tan region, Hunan Province, China. The heavy metal contents are relatively higher than the surface or near the surface layers. The calculated anthropogenic factor values ​​indicate that all the heavy metals except for Cr in the core samples are enriched, especially for Cd, with the maximum enrichment coefficients of 119.44, and 84.67 in C1 and C2, respectively. the correlation of heavy metals with sulfur indicates that they are precipitated as metal sulphides. Correlation matrix shows significant association between heavy metals and mud. Factor analysis identifies that signified anthropogenic activities affect the region of Xiangjiang River.
摘要:《语文课程标准》中指出:语文课程应培育学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情,指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言的积累,培养语感,使他们具有适应实际需要的识字写字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力。而学生升到初中阶段,语文学习也将发生质的飞跃。此时教师应正确引导学生适应这一变化,让他们尽早地融入新角色,培养良好的语文学习习惯。  关键词:语文学习;兴趣;习惯;独立思考;课外阅读    语文是
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