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在北京召开的第二届中国医院院长大会上,著名医学专家 吴阶平院士表示,建立公平和谐的医疗卫生服务体系,扭转老百 姓“看病难、看病贵”的被动局面,应该让广大百姓公平分享经济 社会文明进步的医疗资源共同成果。 虽然从1997年起城镇职工医疗制度、医疗服务体制和药品 流通体制三项改革开始“联动”,进行整体的医疗体制改革距今 已近10年,但在前不久国务院的一份研究报告中,官方直言医 改“基本上是不成功的”。不成功的一个显著标志是,医疗服务的 不公平不仅存在,而且城乡差别过于悬殊。在联合国公布的医疗 卫生工作公平性排序中,中国位列倒数第四。这足以引起我们的 震惊。不可否认,现在的医院比10年前更多了,但统计数据也印 证了人们的感觉:1980年我国卫生机构数量是18万家,到2000 年时已经达到了32万家,另一方面,超过半数的人认为,现在看 病比10年前更难了。 At the Second China Hospital Chief Conference held in Beijing, Academician Wu Jieping, a prominent medical expert, stated that establishing a fair and harmonious medical and health service system and reversing the passive situation of the common people who are “seeing the doctor and expensive doctors” should allow the majority of people to share the economy in a fair manner. The common achievements of the medical resources of social civilization and progress. Although from 1997 onwards, the three reforms of the urban workers’ medical system, the medical service system, and the pharmaceutical distribution system have begun to “link” and carry out an overall reform of the medical system nearly 10 years ago, but in a recent State Council report, The official outspoken health reform “is basically unsuccessful.” A notable sign of unsuccessfulness is that the unfairness of medical services not only exists, but also the disparity between urban and rural areas. In the ranking of the fairness of medical and health work announced by the United Nations, China ranked fourth. This is enough to shock us. It is undeniable that there are more hospitals than there were 10 years ago, but the statistics also confirm people’s feelings: In 1980, the number of health institutions in China was 180,000, and by the year 2000 it had reached 320,000, on the other hand, More than half of people think that it is harder to see a doctor now than it was 10 years ago.
到2010年,我国所有城镇居民将全 部享有基本医疗保障,而呼声颇高的全 民医保问题,也已经成为医保改革的远 期目标。医疗保险改革将按照先城镇后 农村、先经济发达地区后经济落后
我对美团的故事感兴趣,是因为经常能看到创业者的三种状态。  第一种状态是“老兵杀入新大陆”。这是最爽的一种状态。一个行业里的老兵,积累了丰富的服务用户、组织资源的经验,具备行业感召力,再突然杀入一片刚刚起步的市场,一起跑就领先,快速圈地,速度就是收成。  雷军做小米、王海军做亚朵、米雯娟做VIPKID都是这样。这种状况最爽,但太需要运气,所以挺少人能有这种“厚积薄发+顺势而为”的機会。  第二种状